Haematology 2 Flashcards
How are reference ranges determined
Samples are collected from healthy volunteers with defined characteristics
They are analysed using the instrument and techniques used for patient samples
Data is analysed
How can data with a normal distribution be analysed
Gaussian distribution
Determine the mean and standard deviation
95% range = mean +_ 2 SD
What are caveats
Results within the 95% range determined from apparently health
What is included in the full blood count
WBC - x10^9/l RBS - x10^12/l Hb - g/l (haem conc) Hct - l/l PCV - % or l/l MCV - fl MCH - pg MCHC - g/l Platelet count - x10^9/l
How are WBC, RBC and platelet count measured
Instruments that enumerate electronic impulses generated when cells flow between a light source and a sensor or when cells flow through an electrical field
How is Hb measured
Convert haemoglobin to a stable form (cyanmethaemoglobin) and measuring light absorption at a specific wave length
How is Haematocrit measured
Centrifuge a blood sample
How is mean cell volume measured
Dividing total volume of red cells in a sample by number
Light scattering or by interruption of an electric field
MCV = PCVx1000/RBC
How is mean cell haemoglobin measured
Amount of haemoglobin in a given volume of blood divided by no. of red cells in the same volume
How is mean cell haemoglobin concentration measured
Amount of haemoglobin in a given volume of blood divided by the proportion of the sample represented by red cells
Measured electronically on the basis of light scattering
What is the difference between the MCH and MCHC
MCH is the absolute amount of haemoglobin in an individual red cell
MCHC is the concentration of Haemoglobin in a red cell
Microcytic and microcytic anaemia - MCH tends to parallel MCV
What are the pseudo causes of polycythaemia
Reduced plasma volume
What are the true causes of polycythaemia
Blood doping or overtranfusion
Appropriately increased erythropoietin synthesis or use (tumour)
Independent of erythropoietin (intrinsic bone marrow disorder - polycythaemia vera)
When is it normal for Hb. RBC and HCt to be lower/higher
higher in neonates
Describe polycythaemia vera
Erythropoietin-independent cause of polycythaemia
Classified as a myeloproliferative neoplasm
Leads to thick blood - hyper viscosity
Leads to vascular obstruction
How is polycythaemia treated
No need for a high haemoglobin/hypervisocity is extreme - blood can be removed
Intrinsic bone marrow disease - drugs can be used to reduce bone marrow production of red cells