a quote to show the setting- east egg
the lawn started down at the beach and ran towards the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sundials and brick walls and burning gardens
a quote to show the setting- the valley of ashes
a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens
a quote to show the characterisation of the upper class- tom
rather hard mouth and supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward”
a quote to show the characterisation of the upper class- daisy
laughed, an absurd, charming little laugh and I laughed too and came forward into the room. ‘I’m p-paralyzed with happiness.’
a quote to show the characterisation of the lower class- mr wilson
He was a blonde, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome
a quote to show the characterisation of the lower class- myrtle wilson
a quote to show the characterisation of the lower class- the valley of ashed inhibitants
men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.