The Gospels Flashcards
What is the Intertestamental Period, and How long did it last?
It was the period between the old and new testament. It lasted approximately 400 years.
In order, what are the six governments under which God’s people ruled during the Intertestamental Period?
1) Persian Empire
2) Greek empire
3) Ptolemies of Egypt
4) Seleucids of Egypt
5) Maccabees
6) Roman Empire
Who is the Persian ruler that allowed the Israelites to return to Jerusalem following the Babylonian captivity?
Cyrus II
Who’s the first Greek ruler that declared himself to be a god?
Alexander the great
Following Alexander’s death, his general struggled for dominance and their own rounds. By 320 BC, the divisions were settled. What are the two Greek kingdoms that impacted the Jews, first in Egypt and then in Syria?
First, Ptolemies
Then, Seleucids
Who is the Greek Seleucid general that desecrated the temple in Jerusalem by offering a pig on the altar?
Who is the Jewish leader that lead the revolt against the Greeks, driving them out of Jerusalem and restoring worship in the Temple?
The eight-day festival that followed the restoration of the temple today called Hanukkah. What is it called when Jesus visits Jerusalem in John 10: 22?
The feast of dedication
Who is the Roman general that made Judea a vassal around call thus spending the Jews independent under the Hasmoneans?
What is the Apocrypha?
This is a collection of writings in the Latin Vulgate and the Septuagint other than the Old Testament. Also known as “Secret message.”
What is the Pseudepigrapha?
Writings ascribed to authors who could not and did not write them.
Who was the emperor of Rome during the birth of Jesus?
Who was the emperor of Rome during the death of Jesus
Who was the emperor of Rome during the great famine?
Who was the emperor of Rome during the death of Paul?
Who was the emperor of Rome during the destruction of Jerusalem?
Who was the emperor of Rome during the persecution of Christians during the days of Revelation?
What is a proconsul?
They ruled safer provinces under annual appointment.
What is a procurator?
They governed less secure areas by direct authority from the emperor.
Who is procurator during the death of Jesus?
Pontius Pilot
Who is considered high priest by the Romans during the death of Jesus?
Whom do the Jews consider high priest during this period?
During the days of Jesus, the Jews were divided into 5 distinct groups. Which of the five was more strict?
During the days of Jesus, the Jews were divided into 5 distinct groups. Which of the five supported Herod
During the days of Jesus, the Jews were divided into 5 distinct groups. Which of the five lived by the Dead Sea?
During the days of Jesus, the Jews were divided into 5 distinct groups. Which of the five believed only the first five books of the Old Testament and denied the resurrection?
During the days of Jesus, the Jews were divided into 5 distinct groups. Which of the five sought to overthrow the Roman government?
Who are the eight authors of the New Testament? Who among the eight authors of the New Testament are apostles?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James, And Jude.
Matthew, John, Paul, Peter were all Apostles.
In order what are the five main divisions of the New Testament?
Gospels History Paul's epistles General epistles Apocalyptic
What is the meaning of the word “canon”?
Measuring rod
What are the threefold criteria used to determine if a book belongs in the New Testament or not?
Written by an apostle ( or closely connected)
Accepted by the churches
Contains Orthodox doctrine
What is the meaning of the word “gospel”?
As a literary form, What would be the best description of the Gospels?
Tracks designed to edify and bring sinners to faith in Jesus
Eusebius quoted a statement by an early church father declaring Matthew to be the author of the gospel that bears his name. Who was the early church father?
What is Matthew’s surname and occupation when Jesus calls him?
Levi, Tax collector
To whom was Matthew’s Gospel written?
The Jews
What is the purpose of Matthew’s Gospel Account?
To Present Jesus as the king over the kingdom of heaven or king of the Jews.
What are the synoptic gospels and what is the synoptic problem?
It is the first three Gospels.
How we account for so much common material?
Which of the four Gospels gets more attention to women, gentiles, and outcasts?
What is the key word in Matthews Gospel?
What is the most unique about Matthews writing style?
He groups materials together.
In regard to material unique to Matthew, which chapter tells of the wise men?
Chapter 2
In regard to material unique to Matthew, which chapters cover the sermon on the mount?
Chapters 5-7
In regard to material unique to Matthew, which chapter gives the account of Jesus promising His church?
Chapter 16
In regard to material unique to Matthew, which chapter gives three parables about the Second Coming of Jesus?
Chapter 25
What is the abbreviated outline for the Gospel of Matthew?
The offer of the King.
The rejection of the King.
Which of the four Gospels records more of what Jesus did than he said?
Who’s the early church fathers declared that Marks Gospel was Peter’s preaching?
Justin Martyr
Who is Mark’s cousin, with him he traveled on the first of Paul’s three missionary journeys?
To whom is Mark’s gospel written?
The Romans
Why did Matthew use the phrase “Kingdom of Heaven” for the church while Mark employed “Kingdom of God”?
He did this to avoid offending a Jewish audience.
What is the keyword in Mark’s Gospel?
Euthus - “immediately” or “straightway”
How does Mark present Jesus and his gospel account?
He presents him as a suffering servant of God.
What is the Messianic secret?
Jesus told many people not to tell others about his miracles.
What is the abbreviated outline for the Gospel of Mark?
To serve as a servant.
To sacrifice as a servant.
Which gospel account tells more about Jesus’s prayer life than any of the other gospels?
Which of the four Gospels’s most Jewish?
Which of the four Gospels was probably written first?
Which of the four Gospels is most likely chronologically written?
Which is addressed to the church?
What is the purpose of Luke’s Gospel?
The purpose was to show that Jesus is the savior of all men.
What was Luke’s occupation?
Physician / Doctor
To whom specifically does Luke write his gospel?
With who does Luke travel the sealing his gospel account as canonical?
Who was most likely Luke’s audience addressed in his gospel?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of Zacharias and Elizabeth?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of Jesus at the age of 12?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the widow’s son raised at Nain?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the healing of Mary Magdalene?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the parable of the good Samaritan?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the parable of the prodigal son?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the rich man and Lazarus?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of Jesus healing ten lepers?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of Jesus converting Zacchaeus?
In regard to material unique to Luke, which chapter tells of the two disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus?
What is the abbreviated outline of the Gospel of Luke?
Seeking the lost.
Saving the lost.