Final (1 Peter - Revelation) Flashcards
Which New Testament book has been called the greatest piece of persecution literature ever written?
1 Peter
What are at least three reasons for Peter being the author of 1 Peter?
The church universally at knowledged authenticity and authority of 1 Peter.
The apostle Peter’s name is given in 1 Peter 1:1.
Twice and ask Peter use the Greek word xylon To speak of the cross, and this distinctive uses also found in 1 Peter.
Who is the early church father that said the Gospel of Mark represented the preaching of Peter?
Justin Martyr
Who was Peter’s brother and who were his business partners in the fishing business?
James, Peter, and, Andrew
What is the meaning of Peter’s name?
What is the probable date of first Peter?
AD 65-66
To whom does Peter write 1 Peter?
Diaspora, the church scattered.
Where was first Peter most likely written?
What is the probable meaning of the word Babylon as used by Peter in 1 Peter?
What are the key subjects in the chapters of 1 Peter?
Chapter 1: Hope and holiness Chapter 2: A royal priesthood of believers Chapter 3: Submission in marriage Chapter 4: Christ’s example of suffering Chapter 5: Peter the Elder
In which New Testament book does the Bible refer to Christians as a “priesthood of all believers?”
1 Peter
In which general epistle do we find the qualifications of Elders?
1 Peter
What is an abbreviated outline of 1 Peter?
Salvation of the Believer
Submission of the Believer
Suffering of the Believer
Is the primary message of 1 Peter?
It was a message of encouragement in the face of persecution.
Specifically where do first and second Peter deal with church problems?
1 Peter: Outside Church (Persecution)
2 Peter: Within Church (False Teachers)
Why does Peter write 2 Peter?
False Teachers / Persecution
Who are the two church fathers that quote 2 Peter favoring Petrine authorship of the book?
Origen & Clement of Alexandria
Who writes the Latin Vulgate solidifying canonicity for 2 Peter and all other New Testament books?
What spectacular event in the life of Jesus does Peter say witnessed?
The transfiguration
Personally, what does Peter predict in 2 Peter?
His martyrdom
Which is Peter’s “farewell epistle”?
2 Peter
2 Peter 2 is almost word-for-word rendering of what NT book?
Specifically, who is the original audience of 2 Peter?
The diaspora (the scattered ones)
What is the probable date for 2 Peter?
AD 65-66
Where was Peter when he wrote 2 Peter?
What is the primary message of 2 Peter?
Warning against false doctrine
What are the key subjects in the chapters of 2 Peter?
Chapter 1: Growth in Christ
Chapter 2: Danger of false teachers
Chapter 3: Day of the Lord
Whose “difficult to understand” writings are referred to by Peter in 2 Peter 3?
Paul’s writings
What is an abbreviated outline of 2 Peter?
Cultivation of Christian Character
Condemnation of False Teachers
Confidence in Christ’s Return
Composition wise, 1 John is more like what than, say, an epistle or treatise?
A tract
Who is the only apostle at the cross of Jesus?
With whom did Jesus leave the care of his mother?
What are the five books written by John?
Gospel according to John 1 John 2 John 3 John Revelation
Who is the only apostle of Jesus to die of natural causes?
Who are the only three early church fathers that attribute 1 John to the apostle John?
Papas, Polycarp, and Irenaeus
Where was John when he wrote 1 John?
Who is the early church father that informs us that John spent his last years in Ephesus
What is the probable date of 1 John?
AD 90’s
Who is the Roman emperor when John writes 1 John?
What is the primary message of 1 John?
Security you find in Christ
What is Gnosticism?
A cult that taught that some had a more superior insight & understanding than others. They renounced Jesus coming in the flesh.
What is the antichrist?
Anyone/anything that opposes Christ
In what chapter of 1 John are we introduced to the antichrist?
Chapter 2
In which chapter of 1 John do we find “victory of faith”?
Chapter 5
What is the major difference between 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John?
1 John: General Epistle
2 & 3 John: Written to individuals
To whom is 2 John written?
The elect lady and her children
How does John describe himself in the opening of 2 John?
The elder
Where was John when he wrote 2 John?
What was the probable date for 2 John?
Mid AD 90’s
What is the message or warning of 2 John?
Don’t extend fellowship to false teachers.
What is the error of extending hospitality or fellowship to false teachers?
You support their teachings.
1 John discusses what? 2 John forbids what? 3 John encourages what?
1 John discusses fellowship with God.
2 John forbids fellowship with false teachers.
3 John encourages fellowship with one another
Who is the recipient of 3 John?
Who “loved to have the preeminence” and threatened the unity of the church in 3 John?
Who has a “good testimony” in 3 John?
What is the probable date for 3 John?
Mid AD 90’s
Where is John most likely to be when he writes 3 John?
What is the primary message of Jude?
Fight for the truth.
Who are the three groups or people God dealt with or punished swiftly for their disrespectful behavior according to Jude 5-7?
Israelites, Fallen Angels, & Sodom and Gomorrah
Who is the Jewish man that led a revolt against the Greeks in 160 BC resulting in the Feast of Lights, Dedication or Hanukkah and perhaps inspired the giving of Jude’s name?
Judas Maccabees
What is the significance of the Muratorian Canon when it comes to Jude being accepted in the New Testament?
It is a list of the New Testament books (Jude is included)
What is the primary reason for Jude being disputed or rejected as a New Testament book?
It has quotes from non-biblical sources.
Who is the Jude that writes the book that bears his name in the New Testament?
The brother of Jesus
Who is Jude’s brother that also writes a New Testament book?
The apostle James
Exactly what happened to cause Jude to believe in Jesus as the Son of God?
The resurrection
What are the two apocryphal works quotes by Jude in his book?
Assumption of Moses & Book of Enoch
What is the essence of the Assumption of Moses?
The buried body of Moses
What is the meaning of Jude using the words “the faith”
The New Testament
What is a pseudepigraphal writing?
A book not written by the authors’ name on the book
What is the meaning of the word “Revelation”?
What is the meaning of the word “apocalypse”?
What are the three books in the Old Testament that are similar to Revelation in composition or genre?
Daniel, Ezekiel, & Zachariah
Who are the original recipients of Revelation?
The seven churches of Asia Minor
What is the probable date for Revelation?
Mid AD 90’s
Who are the three emperors who declared themselves “Lord & God” while they yet lived?
Caligula, Nero, & Domitian
Which of these three emperors is the emperor during the period of writing Revelation?
What is the name of the island upon which John was exiled and where he received the revelations from God that would result in the Book of Revelation?
Island of Patmos
Where is John when he writes the Book of Revelation?
Island of Patmos
What is the subject of Revelation 2?
Letters to seven churches of Asia Minor
What is the subject of Revelation 3?
Letters to seven churches of Asia Minor
What is the subject of Revelation 4?
Throne of God
What is the subject of Revelation 7?
The 144,000
What is the subject of Revelation 12?
War in Heaven
What is the subject of Revelation 13?
The mark of the beast (or 666)
What is the subject of Revelation 14?
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”
What is the subject of Revelation 19?
Marriage supper of the lamb
What is the subject of Revelation 20?
Judgement scene
What is the subject of Revelation 21?
No more tears in Heaven