The Gospel of John Ch.1 Flashcards
What does the author of the Gospel call himself in the book?
The disciple Jesus loved
Why does the author write the Gospel?
So that Jesus can change your life forever
What does the opening of the Gospel reference or allude back to?
The Book of Genesis
Why did God the Son become human?
To reveal God the Father to us
How many titles are given to Jesus within the first chapter of the Gospel?
After Jesus performs a sign or makes a claim what do people have to do?
Make a choice about who they think Jesus is.
What is Jesus’ first sign?
The wedding at Cana
What is Jesus really referring to when He says that He will “destroy this temple” and rebuild it in three days?
His body
Who does Jesus meet at the well?
A Samaritan woman
Who does Jesus say works on the Sabbath as well?
His Father
Ultimately, Jesus says that He is the new _____.
After the raising of Lazarus, what do the Israelite leaders do?
Reject Him
Who wrote the Gospel of John?
It was written by ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved,’ possibly John the Son of Zebedee or John the Elder.
What is the purpose of the Gospel of John?
The purpose is to help readers believe that Jesus is the Messiah and have life in His name.
How is the Gospel of John structured?
It has two main halves: the first half covers Jesus’ miraculous signs, and the second half focuses on His final night, arrest, trial, death, and resurrection.
What is the “Word” according to the Gospel of John?
The ‘Word’ refers to Jesus as the embodiment of God’s will, both distinct from and fully divine.
How does John the Baptist introduce Jesus?
He calls Jesus the Messiah and Son of God, giving Him seven titles that reflect His divine role.
What is Jesus’ first miraculous sign in the Gospel of John?
Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.
What does Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple signify?
It symbolizes His authority and points to His coming sacrificial death, where His body will replace the Temple as the meeting place between God and humanity.
What does Jesus explain to Nicodemus?
Jesus explains that Israel needs spiritual rebirth, not just new teaching, to enter God’s kingdom.
What does Jesus offer the Samaritan woman at the well?
He offers ‘living water,’ symbolizing eternal life infused with God’s love.
What is the significance of Jesus’ miracles on Jewish feast days?
Jesus uses the festivals to reveal His identity, such as claiming to be the true bread of life, the light of the world, and the Holy One of God.
What is Jesus’ final miraculous sign in the first half of the Gospel?
Raising Lazarus from the dead, which foreshadows His own death and sets in motion the plan for His crucifixion.
What theme is emphasized in Jesus’ raising of Lazarus?
Jesus’ act of love and sacrifice, pointing forward to His own death on the cross for the salvation of humanity.
What does Jesus claim about His relationship with God the Father?
Jesus claims that He and the Father are one, making Himself equal with God, which leads to increased hostility from the religious leaders.