The French Revolution Flashcards
The political doctrine and practice of unlimited centralized authority and absolute sovereignty, as vested esoecially in a monarch or dictator
The Three Louis’
The French Revolution (phases) NEMRC
National Convention is formed Execution of King Louis XVI Maximillien Robespierre rises to power Reign of Terror Committees of safety
Estates/Class System
Three Estates
Clergy =1%* , Nobility =2% , Poor =97%
Only the poor were taxed
*Everyone in the royal family was in the second estate - only the King belongs to the first one
Seigneurial System
An institutional form of land distribution established in New France in 1627 and officially abolished in 1854
A system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return
Cahiers (de doléances)
Lists of grievances taken in the spring of 1789, they were used as instructions for the representatives of the Estates-General
Middle Class (Bourgeoisie)
They belonged to the Third Estate
Got their money from trade oversees & manufacturing
Ruling Elite
Highest level of the hierarchy ~ The King/Queen
The supression or prohibition of any types of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security
Freedom of Expression
The abilty of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship
Taxes (F.R)
Befroe the F.R peasants paid a land tax (the taille) and 5% property tax (the vingtieme)
Everyone paid a tax based on the no. of people in your family (capitation) depending on the taxpayer’s status
French for “philosophers” were writers, intellectuals and scientists who helped shape the French Enlightenment Baron de Montesquieu Voltaire Jean-Jacques Rousseau Denis Diderot
Vive La Revolution
Estates General
A meeting of the three estates within French society which included the clergy, nobility and the peasant classes
The state you belonged to had an effect on your rights
The monarchy lived there for most of Louis XIV’s reign
Was stromed during the F.R by fisherwomen who wanted Marie’s head
October 5th 1789
The Tennis Court Oath
20th June 1789 Made up of the Third Estate They established the Nstionals Assembly New Revolutionary Government They pledged “not to separate, and reassemble whenever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established”
The Bastille (storming)
14th July 1789
A state prison used for enemies of the crown
It was attacked by a mob ~ there was ammunition the revolutionaires wanted
The Bastille was a “symbol of the monarchy’s dictorial rule
Popular Uprising (Bread March ; Women’s march on the Versailles Palace)
5th October 1789
The women were protesting the high bread prices, and were coming after Marie Antoinette
National Assembly
An assembly formed by the Third Estate on 17th June 1789
A “revolution assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Etate (commoners of the Estates Genral)
Moderate (Girondins)
One of the parties formed after the establishment of the National Assembly
Radical (Jacobins)
Maximilien Robespierre was the leader
The more famous party formed after the Revolution
Collective Conciousness
The set of shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and knowledge that are common to a social group or society
The people who wanted the old political system ~ the monarchy & the church
Including the feudal system
Decleration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Human civil rights document from the French Revolution The Rights are Liberty Prosperity Security Resistance to Opression
Riegn of Terror
A period of Remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular the period of the Terror during the French Revolution
Thousands of people executed
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
Liberté, Egalité, et Fraternite
The most famous slogan of the FR
Men and Women are born and remained free and equal in rights
La Marseillaise
The French National Anthem, jt was composed in one night
Written in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
Revolution and Republic
The revolution was 1789-1799
The first French Republic was formed in 1792 (21st Sept.)