the four D's of diagnosis Flashcards
what are the four Ds of diagnosis?
1) deviant
2) distress
3) dysfunctional
4) danger
what are deviant behaviours?
behaviours outside of social and cultural norms that are seen as unacceptable by society
- can also be behaviours that are rare and infrequent that do not typically occur in society
- can be meausred by using statistical and normal distributions
what is distress?
negative behaviours and feelings that cause (abnormal) distress to the individual or to thers around them
- based on the patient and their subjective experiences of situations and how they felt
- it can be hard to measure negative behaviour because it is subjective and people who are very distressed are still functional
what is dysfuntional behaviour?
behaviours and feelings that interfere with a person’s ability to get on with their day to day activities (e.g, employment, relationships)
- clinicians should discuss with the patient all aspects of their life and then assess if dysfuction is present
what is danger and how can it be assessed?
- behaviours and thoughts which could or do bring harm to the individual (e.g, self harm and suicidal thoughts)
- GAF scores can be used to measure danger
what are the strengths of using the 4 D’s?
- helps to avoid errors in diagnosis
- works for professionals = has a practical application, as all features are recognisable + measured without a lot of training + works alongside the DSM system
- ‘deviance’ can use statistical measures to help inform decisions
- [Davis 2009] said that dysfunction can help in making decisions by matching hebaviour and beliefs to the axis of thr DSM
what are the weaknesses of using the 4 D’s?
- subjective -> clinicians interpret what patient say during the clinical interview = low reliability as different clinicians may reach different conclusions
- ‘deviance’ increases the chance of misdiagnosis because social norms are changing (e.g homosexuality would have been classed as deviance in thee past)
- ‘distress’ is hard to measure due to being based on the individuals own experience = subjective + unreliable
what do cinical psyhologists do?
- they deal with a range of mental and physical health
- they carry out clinical assesments to investigate a client’s situation
why could it be difficult to form a diagnosis?
- social norms dictate how people should behave, so that factor impacts how normal or abnormal something really is
- males tend to be more aggressive than females due to biological factors, so nature could be a factor in forming a diagnosis
- poor practitioner training, such as prejudice and bias, could lead to subjective, incorrect diagnoses
- cultures between different groups can make it hard to decide whether something is normal or abnormal because cultures may have different ideas about social norms and beliefs
- using 2 different diagnostic tools poses the risk of 2 different disgnosis, leading to inconsistency and unreliability
GAF scores
where a clincian gives a patient a score based on data gathered from clinical interviews and observations