The foot Flashcards
Key points to hoof anatomy
Foot hangs in suspension off the dorsal hoof wall - laminae
Digital cushion faily susceptible to penetration
Differential diagnoses for acute, severe, unilateral lameness
Subsolar abscess
Pedal bone fracture
Solar bruising
Simple solar bruising is common and due to blunt sole trauma.
Can vary from contusion to haemorrhage.
Tissues become inflamed, vascularity increases, oedema develops.
Risk factors for solar bruising
Surface: uneven or highly concussive surfaces
Shoeing/farriery: barefoot horses will be more prone, long shoeing interval (particularly corns)
Activity type: horses used for hacking will be more likely
Activity level: repetitive concussive forces
Conformation: horses with flat foot and low heel conformation
Treatment for solar bruising
NSAIDs and rest
Shoeing changes can be preventative
Subsolar abscessation
The most common cause of acute severe lameness
Form between the sensitive and non-sensitive tissues
- white line
- seat of corn
- frog
Signs of subsolar abscessation
Increased digital pulses
Sensitivity on hoof testers
Treatment of subsolar abscessation
Paring knife -> drainage
Foot bandaging (poulticing) to achieve or maintain drainage
Foot penetrations
Often involve nails from fencing and stabling.
Radiography with the nail in situ can help locate its tip
MRI is the accepted gold standard
Treatment can vary from poulticing to navicular bursoscopy depending on extent of injury
Causes of recurrent or persistent foot abscesses
Septic pedal osteitis
Pedal bone fracture
Space occupying mass growing down the length of the hoof which requires a hoof wall resection to remove
Septic pedal osteitis
A severe clinical condition and is a therapeutic challenge
Resorptive lesions on radiorgaphy - lysis of bone
Pedal bone fracture
Will improve much slower than an abscess
Navicular Syndrome/Palmar Heel Pain/Podotrochleitis
Truly an MRI diagnosis, but radiography can identify navicular bone changes
Associated with disease of the DDFT, impar ligament, navicular suspensory ligament
Often responds to mediation of the DIPJ or navicular bursa
Farriery is a key factor in successful management
Ossified collateral cartilages
over diagnosed!
But a true focus of lameness in some cases
Associated with collateral ligament injuries -> common aetiology
Foot balance is key