The first permanent molar in orthodontics Flashcards
Loss of first permanent molars
Age 8 1/2 to 10-years-old
Class I occlusion
Mild incisor crowding
All permanent teeth present
Implications for loss of first permanent molars
Disturbs occlusion -especially if lower arch extraction Orthodontic treatment prolonged -high caries rate -doubtful cooperation Treatment may be more difficult Patients unsuitable
Problem of first permanent molar
Geographical inequality
Socio-economic group inequality
Proportions of children with obvious dental decay experience in permanent teeth
Higher in 15yo than 12yo
Higher in NI than England
Caries rates
Higher in socio-economic gps IV and V
Extraction of first permanent molars factors influencing success/ that you need to consider
Degree of crowding/ hypodontia -uncrowded vs crowded arches Upper or lower Timing of extraction Balancing or compensating extractions
First molar extraction - upper or lower?
Due to different eruption paths
- upper 6 rarely a problem
- lower 6 is problem:
1. tilts mesially
2. rotates mesio-lingually
3. leans lingually
4. over-eruption of upper 6
Occlusal problems: over-eruption
If upper 6 over-erupts, it will stop any mesial movement of lower 7
One or more poor quality first permanent molars
Immediate extraction? -symptomatic -unrestorable -little scope for mesialisation o 7 -ortho Rx unlikely Retain - ortho later? -6s of poor prognosis
Ideal time to remove lower 6s
Dentine bifurcation of 7s visible Possible other favourable factors: -lower 5 engaged in bifurcation of E -lower 7 mesially angulated -lower 8 present
One or more poor quality first molars
- Will pt need ortho?
- yes: refer for early opinion - Will the affected tooth require a crown ro RCT in future?
- yes: consider extraction - Consider extraction of other first molars
Balancing/ compensation
Balancing: extraction in the same arch on the opposite side
Compensating: extraction in the opposite arch on the same side
-do not balance 6s
-consider extraction of upper molar if lower is extracted
Take care with extraction - alveolar necking
Lots of cortical bone in between after extraction
Consideration of the malocclusion - class II
- Extract first molars early
- Correct Class II with functional appliance OR
- Maintain and incorporate into ortho Rx
Consideration of the malocclusion - class III
Seek opinion, orthodontic treatment can be
delayed to assess mandibular growth. Timing
of extraction can alter if orthognathic surgery is