The Face Flashcards
what are the muscles of mastication?
medial pterygoid
lateral pterygoid
what is the function of masseter?
elevate the mandible
what is the function of temporalis?
retract the mandible
what is the function of the medial and lateral pterygoids?
protract the mandible
what nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?
mandibular branch of trigem
what are the muscles of facial expression?
frontalis (anterior & posterior bellies) orbicularis oculi (orbital & palpebral parts) nasalis levator anguli oris levator labii superioris zygomaticus major zygomaticus minor risouris depressor anguli oris depressor labii inferioris orbicularis oris mentalis buccinator platysma
what nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression and what are its motor branches?
CN7 temporal zygomatic buccal mandibular cervical
Keisselbach’s plexus is an anastamosis of which vessels?
anterior ethmoidal artery (ophthalmic) posterior ethmoidal artery (ophthalmic) sphenopalatine artery (maxillary) greater palatine artery (maxillary) septal branch of superior labial artery (facial)
what are the branches of the ECA?
Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students
superior thyroid ascending pharyngeal lingual facial occipital posterior auricular maxillary superficial temporal
what is the venous drainage of the face?
superficial temporal + maxillary –> retromandibular
anterior retromandibular + facial = common facial –> IJV
posterior retromandibular + posterior auricular = EJV