The Extended Family Today Flashcards
Describe a study that shows the extended family has declined
Charles found that the classic 3 generation family all living under 1 rood is now ‘all but extinct’. The only significant exceptions she found were among the Bangladeshi community
Describe an argument that shows that the extended family hasn’t entirely disappeared
Willmott argues, it continues to exist as a ‘dispersed extended family’, where relatives are geographically separated but maintain frequent contact through visits and calls
Describe a study that supports the ‘dispersed extended family’
Chamberlain’s study of Caribbean families in Britain found, despite being geographically separated, they still provide supports
- She describes them as ‘multiple nuclear families’ with frequent contract between siblings and cousins, who make a big contribution to childrearing
Describe a study that shows how the extended family provides support
- Bell found that WC and MC families had emotional bonds with kin and relied on them for support
- Among the MC, there was more financial help from father to son
- Among the WC, there was more domestic help from mothers to daughters
What is a ‘beanpole’ family?
A type of extended family that is extended vertically through 3 generations or more (grandparents, parents and children) but it isn’t extended horizontally as it doesn’t involve aunts, cousins etc
Describe a study that supports the beanpole family
Charles found a high level of contact between mothers and adult daughters, but there was a decline in support and contact between brothers and sisters
What are 2 demographic changes that encourages the beanpole family?
- Increased life expectancy means more surviving grandparents
- Smaller family sizes mean people have fewer sibling so fewer horizontal ties
Describe support for obligations to relatives
- Despite the rise of the beanpole family , many people still feel a sense of obligation to help their wider kin
- Finch and Mason found that over 90% of people had given or received financial help, and half had cared for a sick relative
Describe support for the variability in what can be expected of different relatives
- Cheal notes that where personal care for an elderly women is needed, a daughter or daughter-in-law is preferred if the husband isn’t available.
- Sons are rarely chosen as caregivers for elderly women while daughters are rarely chosen as appropriate people to provide money.