Ethnic Differences in Family Patterns Flashcards
Describe family patterns of black families
Black people have a higher proportion of lone-parent households. In 2012, over half of families with dependent children headed by a black person were lone-parent families
Describe a reason for the family patterns of black families
- The high rate of female-headed, lone parent black families may be evidence of family disorganisation that can be traced back to slavery or the recent high rates of unemployment among black men.
- Under slavery, when couples were separated, children stayed with the mother so this may have established the family pattern that persists today
- Male unemployment have meant that black men are less able to provide, resulting in higher rates of desertion.
Give evaluation for black family patterns
Mirza argues the higher rate of female-headed lone-parent black families isn’t the result of disorganisation, but shows the high value than black women place on independence
Describe family patterns of Asian families
Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Indian households tend to be larger and may contain 3 generations, but most are nuclear.
Describe a reason for the family patterns of Asian families
- Larger Asian households may reflect the value placed on the extended family in Asian cultures
- There are also practical considerations, such as assistance when migrating to Britain. e.g. Ballard found that the extended family ties provided a source of support among Asian migrants