The Existence Of God Flashcards
God is one being - Jesus only ‘son’
Jehovah’s witnesses - God is single being - Jesus had beginning so not eternal
Nicene Creed - Holy Spirit from Father AND Son - made through Son
Orthodox Church - HS from Father - Father source of all
‘Do not worship any other God’
God’s relationship with world
God created world - creation story
God control seasons - created self sustaining life
God created world from nothing
Relationship with humanity
Humans made in God’s image - ‘let us make man in our image’
Gave humans responsibility to look after creation
Provides Adam and Eve - blesses with children
Gives land to chosen people, laws and commandments, sacrifice animals for salvation (Old Testament)
Love through Jesus - taught God’s love, how to live, obedience
Sacrificed for human sin - fixed relationship - forgive
Keeps relationship through Holy Spirit
‘God is love’
Challenged to God being involved with humanity
God is a temporal - outside of time + knows every event
Can’t relate to creation - respond to prayers
Catholic have priest for link - Protestants believe don’t need
God as a good
Thomas Aquinas - God’s good nature shown in Bible
Creation - created everything - ‘it was very good’
God wants people to live good - gave 10 commandments
God judges after death - knows everything so fair
Sent son to sacrifice for human sin
God and suffering
Evil from wrong decisions (A+E) - why did God create if knew would happen
Evil makes more aware of God - grow to perfection
But some suffering doesn’t help - terminal illness
Suffering is test of faith / punishment for wicked
Design Argument
Teleological argument - God designed for purpose - order + complexity shows intelligent design
William Paley - world like watch - complex parts work together - designer
John Stuart Mill - cruelty mean bad design - why would God make bad?
First Cause
Cosmological argument - Aristotle - everything has a cause
Like pushing domino - God was first push
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’
Anthropic principle
F.R.Tennant - universe has perfect structure - life develops (evolution)
Polkinghorne - God created perfectly for human survival
Moral consequence
Cardinal John Newman - God allows to know right and wrong - guilt is voice of God through conscience
Social making and judgement
John Hick - meal decision develop soul - continues in afterlife
Doesn’t agree with judgement after death
Value of God
Christians live obedient life - ethical
Buy recyclable goods, products that consider workers (Fair Trade), renewable energy, increase reforestation
Inspirational people
Feel sense of God - inspired by faith
Mother Teresa - helped in Indian slums
Fundamentalists/Literalists - Bible is word of God
- Protestant + Charismatic - against science / Amish live by Bible
Conservative view - Bible inspired by God but made by humans - mistakes (myths)
- Bible still has authority - interpret views
Liberal view - Bible stories symbolic - apply meanings to own life
Jesus Christ
God in human form as Jesus - shows love - teach people + sacrifice
Jesus fully human + fully God - absolute love + salvation
‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us’
Figures from Christian history
God works through people - hope does again in current world George Cadbury (Quaker) - built housing village for factory workers
Jesus’ resurrection - central miracle - God can intervene in world
Healing miracles, miracles over nature, raising the dead, exorcism (remove evil spirit from person)
CC + CofE - God still does miracles - faith in personal relationship
- Lourdes - CC recognised 67 miracles
Direct encounter with God
Paul’s conversion - Jesus through flash of life, voice, miracle - changed attitude
Mystical experience
Overwhelming sense of God
Prayer/meditation - nothing new but strengthened faith
People against - says Jesus’ revelation insufficient
Believe to see/hear supernatural - no one else can
- Bernadette Soubirous - 18 vision of Virgin Mary at Lourdes
Charismatic + Ecstatic
Charismatic church - people overcome by Holy Spirit - fall over
Ecstatic - intense emotions + spiritual feelings - less aware around
Glossolia - prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues
Pentecostalism - belief that Holy Spirit came to apostles
Worship + sacraments
Liturgical worship - structure increases sense of presence
Charismatic service - freedom gives better connection
Catholic + Orthodox - transubstantiation - bread and wine turn to blood and water
CofE - consubstantiation - real presence of God - bread and wine remain
Protestant - bread and wine symbolic - remembers Jesus’ detach + resurrection - ‘Do this in remembrance of me’
Penance - confess sins to priest - forgiven - closer to God
- CofE + Non Conformist against - can go directly to God