Relationships And Families Flashcards
Purpose of family
Loving and respectful relationships
Place to nurture children and grow in Christian values
‘The family is the original cell of social life’ (Catholic Church)
Purpose of marriage
Spiritual unity between man and woman
Promises for life - ‘man must not separate what God has joined’
Vows between couple and God for blessing - ‘a cord of three strands’
CofE marriage meaning
Couple learn to love forever - reflects Christ’s love for people
Marriage gives place for children, sex and support
Marriage important since makes other relationships + self develop
CC marriage meaning
Unbreakable bond between couple - represents Christ’s commitment
God’s grace + constant pressure means stronger faith and marriage
Catholic + Orthodox marriage
Sacrament - spiritual joining
Both baptised + Christian - if not then not sacrament
Nuptial mass + personal blessing
CofE marriage
Allows heterosexual, non Christian, non baptised
Vows + prayers to God
Eucharist after
Non-conformist / Quaker marriage
Couple plans wedding service - write own vows
No minister - silent worship
Couple say vows when want to
Everyone signs certificate
Civil partnership - sign legal document (same-sex)
CC and CofE against - marriage for sex for children - raised by mum and dad
House of Bishops not allowed services of blessing - reaffirm vows
Vicars + clergy in CofE wanted civil partnerships - equality (Bible)
Same-sex marriage
Legal in 2014
Can marry now / if religious organisation don’t want to, protected by law
CofE against - purpose of marriage for procreation - House of Bishops + vicars not allowed
CC against - against natural law - undermines heterosexuals marriage
Episcopal - allow - love transcends sexuality
Living together before marriage - Bible says sex for reproduction - pre marital sex wrong
CC say sex is language - communicate love in marriage - provide children
CofE - sex only in marriage - act of love
Unmarried + refrain from sex - fully focus on God
CC - priests, monks, nuns are celibate - can better share love for God
CC - artificial contraception sinful - stops natural act of sex - but accepts some natural to give couple control
Other teach acceptable - CofE say responsible - children planned
No sex until marriage - Teen-Aid (poster campaigns), Love awaits and Silver Ring Thing
Sex created as act of love in marriage
Divorce and Annulment
CC against divorce - lifelong commitment with God - unbreakable
Give advice + support - separation to help restore
Allows annulment - promises were invalid
CofE - should work hard to keep commitment - accepts divorce in some situations
Priority for church to care for divorced couple
Men and women in family
Bible - women are men’s helpers / women weaker - The Fall
Equality - valued equally in different roles
CC say role at home should be valued as career
‘Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands’
‘Husbands, love your wives’
Men and women in community
CC - complementarianism - men and women created differently by God so have different roles
Women can’t be bishops/priests - disciples were men
Approve women as priests - break barriers, Jesus followed tradition at time, women created in God’s image too
Upbringing of children
Traditional - father controls family worship, mother makes sure children follow - hard in modern society
CC + CofE - child baptised in 1st year - promises to Christian faith
Sunday School - class run whilst adults in main service - Bible stories
Confirmation - reaffirms child’s faith - can participate in Eucharist
Amish upbringing of children
Ordnung - rules to outline how to live - marry other Amish and live in own community
Man is provider, woman domestic role, children respect elders + do small jobs (feed chickens)
Rumspringa - when 16, live outside community for few years - decide if want to stay
Disobey rules - investigate - most return
Everyone made in God’s image - perfect image - everyone equal value
‘So God created mankind in his own image’
‘Love one another’
Duty to share with less fortunate - CC was wealthiest organisation in world - didn’t support equality since benefitted from inequality - no need to challenge cultural views
Individual roles
God only forgives those who believe Christ sacrificed himself for human sin
Evangelism - mission to share faith
Missionaries - spend lives doing evangelism
Prejudice - making judgement before knowing facts
Stereotypes - view of group based on impression of few
Christian egalitarianism- men and women created equally - equal opportunities
Christian complementarianism - men and women created differently by a god so have different roles