The Existence of God Flashcards
What is omnipotence?
All powerful. God had the power to create the whole universe, to perform miracles and to become a human as Jesus.
What is omniscience?
All knowing.
What is omnipresence?
Able to be everywhere at once because He is not limited by having a physical body.
What does eternal mean?
Without beginning or end
What does transcendent mean?
Outside time and space and not limited by our world.
What does immanent mean?
Involved with our world and inside the universe.
What does personal mean?
Able to interact with humans on a personal level.
What does judge mean?
God will judge us on the way we have lived our lives and that His judgement will determine what happens to us after death.
What is the Holy Trinity?
The belief that the Christian God is three parts: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each element is equal but distinct.
What is the Father?
The protector and creator. Some Christians see their relationship with God and like that between father and child.
What is the Son?
Jesus, God in human form (incarnate). He came to Earth to die on the cross to pay the price of human sin. Jesus rose from the dead to show God’s power over death and provide an example on how Christians should live.
What is the Holy Spirit?
The presence of God with Christians all the time, helping them live in the way He wants.
What denominations reject the Trinity?
Unitarians and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Why do Unitarians reject the Trinity?
They say God is one being. Jesus was the ‘son’ of God but not literally him. He was sent to Earth as a saviour and a human who was inspired by God in all he did.
Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the Trinity?
God is a single being and His personal name is Jehovah. Nobody is equal to God and Jesus is, in some way, the son of God. He was created Jehovah so is not eternal as he had a beginning. The Holy Spirit is Jehovah’s force, through which he acts.
How do Western and Eastern Churches disagree over the Trinity?
Western Churches say that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son, while the Eastern Orthodox Church says the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father.
What is God’s relationship with the world?
The Genesis account of creation says that God speaks and causes things to come into existence. The world is dependent on His command - he causes all things to exist and ensures that everything is provided for, like a craftsman. Even if it is taken as a myth, it illustrates that the world is dependent on Him for existence. God brought order to the world, probably ex nihilo bit possible from pre-existent matter.
What is God’s relationship with humanity?
Man is made in God’s image, so we are apart from the rest of creation. We are stewards over the world, with power and responsibility. This means we have a unique relationship with God. God has ongoing care for humanity e.g. through provision of laws and commands.
How is God’s love shown through Jesus?
Jesus came to Earth to teach people how to live obediently. He died as a sacrifice for human sin, which repaired the relationship with humans and God, broken by the Fall. It provides the opportunity for forgiveness and salvation. God lowered Himself to the level of humanity to save us. It allowed a personal relationship as well as the Holy Spirit.
Why is there disagreement on whether God is transcendent or immanent?
God created all, including time, so he can be atemporal: seeing and knowing all things, even from the past and future. He is not limited and does not change. Others say that God is able to relate to His creation. He can answer prayers, so some say He has to be able to respond and change.
How can Catholics and Protestants communicate with God?
Catholics believe that ordained priests act in the power of Christ, so a priest can act as a link between God, for example in confession. Protestants do not believe they need a mediator between themselves and God. Jesus enabled people to pray to God directly and have a personal relationship.
How is God’s goodness revealed through creation?
When God created the world, he described it as ‘good’. On the final day he described it as ‘very good’. He provided everything needed to sustain the world and its inhabitants.
How is God’s goodness revealed through the provision of law?
God gives humanity rules about how to live a good life. They demonstrate that God wants people to act in a way that is morally good and caring, so humans can live their best life. He also allows free will, but punishes those who do wrong.
How is God’s goodness revealed through judgement?
God knows and sees everything, enabling him to judge fairly, ensuring justice. This happens when you die.
How is God’s goodness revealed through salvation?
God chooses to offer humans forgiveness. In the Old Testament people sacrificed animals, which had to be done repeatedly. God offered Jesus to die to cover all human sin forever, making the ultimate sacrifice to humanity to allow us to go to heaven.
What are some challenges to God’s goodness?
Events in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, include the flood and asking Abraham to sacrifice his son. Some say it shows his anger, jealousy and lack of justice. Some say He is immoral because of this.
Why do some Christians believe there is evil and suffering?
Evil exists as a result of human sin (Augustinian theodicy)
Evil as a lesson (Irenaean theodicy)
Evil as a test (Job)
Why do some Christians believe evil is a result of human sin?
In the Fall, Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s instruction not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. This brought evil into a perfect world and the perfect relationship between humans and God. This is part of the Augustinian theodicy.
Why do some Christians believe evil exists as a lesson?
God created humans imperfect and immature, needing to grow and develop to perfection in the image of God. Evil is also necessary for us to understand goodness, so evil teaches us lessons. This is part of the Irenaean theodicy.
Why do some Christians believe evil exists as a test?
Suffering is a test of faith for believers and a punishment for the wicked. In the book of Job God allows Job to suffer. As he remains faithful, he is rewarded, so some Christians may believe they are being tested too.