Relationships and Families Flashcards
What is the purpose of a Christian family?
Allows loving and respectful relationships to be formed
Provides a place for the nurture and disciplining of children
Allows children to be brought up with Christian values
To be a stable unit
What is fidelity?
A married couple being faithful and committed to one another
What does the Church of England teach about the importance of marriage?
In a marriage, a couple learns to love one another. Marriage is a commitment to ‘live and grow in love’ as shown in the Bible. A marriage should reflect Christ’s love for the church. Through marriage other relationships are developed and love is extended. People learn patience and forgiveness, which they can offer to society.
What are the three blessings of marriage, according to the Church of England?
The creation and nurture of children (procreation)
The correct place for sexual relations
Help and comfort during all aspects of life
What is the cord of three strands?
A Christian belief that marriage binds together the man, the woman, and God. His presence makes it stronger, allowing he relationship to be lifelong.
What does the Catholic Church teach about marriage?
It creates a unique and unbreakable bond that cannot be dissolved. It expresses Christ’s love and commitment to his people, so it reveals God’s unconditional love. It is a sacrament, bringing God’s grace to the couple, helping them to be faithful and to be good parents. Christ’s presence helps to strengthen the bond. Couples should place themselves in God’s care, following Bible teachings.
What is required for a sacramental Catholic marriage?
There must be a man and a woman who are both baptised. If one person is not baptised, special permission is required from the bishop (disparity of cult). A non-Christian cannot receive the sacraments in a Catholic Church. A Catholic marrying a non-Christian means the marriage will not be a sacrament, but a bishop may allow a priest to witness the marriage.
What is a disparity of cult?
Where a Catholic marries a person who has not been married. Special permission is required from the bishop for the marriage to go ahead.
What is nuptial mass?
It happens at weddings in the Catholic Church. The couple both take part in receiving the sacrament, sometimes bringing the bread and wine to the altar. It helps direct the couple’s thoughts to God.
What is required for a marriage in the Church of England?
Any heterosexual couple can marry in the Church, even if they are not baptised or Christian. The Church can carry out mixed-faith marriages.
What happens in a Church of England wedding?
The vicar may offer a couple a marriage preparation course beforehand.
Vows and prayers are made to God, bringing blessings to the couple.
Couples can choose Bible readings and hymns and are involved in planning the wedding.
A Eucharist may take afterwards.
What happens in non-conformist church weddings?
The bride and groom may have much more freedom to plan their wedding service. They can write their own vows, giving more emphasis on the couple saying things to God.
What happens in a Quaker wedding?
There is no minister to lead the proceedings, as only God can join the couple together. The couple will sit in silent worship with the congregation until they feel it is the right time to say their vows. They stand and say them. They then sign the Quaker marriage certificate and sit down again. A friend or relative will read it out, then silent worship is resumed. Anyone may stand and speak as they feel led to by God. At the end everyone signs the certificate as witness. The union is being made between the couple and God.
What is the LOVE acronym for marriage?
Lifelong commitment
Obedience to God
Vows made to one another
Extending the family
What are civil partnerships?
A legal partnership between two people, giving the couple largely the same legal rights as marriage. The signing of the legal documents does not need to happen in public but a couple may choose to have a ceremony. It became legal for same-sex couple to get a civil partnership in 2005.
What is the Catholic and Church of England response to civil partnerships?
They are against them and do not perform them, as they say that marriage is the only correct place for sexual relations. Performing a civil partnership would suggest that homosexual sex is as acceptable as married heterosexual sex, which is against their teaching. It would also undermine their teaching that children are best raised by their biological mother and father. They should not be blessed. CofE vicars are allowed to have civil partnerships but must remain celibate. Some members of the CofE disagree.
What are other Christian responses to civil partnerships?
They should be acceptable to the Church, as they provide companionship, unity and stability in the same way as heterosexual marriages. People should be equal and faithful lifelong marriages are important, so same-sex couples should have the same freedom to marry.
When did same-sex civil partnerships and marriages become legal?
Civil partnerships: 2005
Marriages: 2014
What does the Church of England say about same-sex marriages?
Ministers are not allowed to carry out same-sex marriages. Blessings for married same-sex couples are not allowed and vicars cannot enter same-sex marriages. Members of the CofE can enter into same-sex marriages, but cannot marry at the Church, ad marriage should be between a man and a woman, with one of its purposes as procreation. Homophobia is condemned.
What does the Catholic Church say about homosexuality?
Homosexual acts are against the natural law as they cannot result in children. It is opposed to same-sex marriage and is concerned that it will have harmful effects on society by undermining the value of heterosexual marriage. Discrimination against homosexuals is wrong.
What does the Episcopal Church say about homosexuality?
They allow and support same-sex marriage because everyone is a child of God so deserves an equal claim upon the love, acceptance and pastoral concern and care of the Church.
What is cohabitation?
When a couple lives together in a sexual relationship without being married
What is the general Christian view on cohabitation?
A sexual relationship should only happen within marriage in order to have children, so premarital sex is wrong. Some Christians accept that cohabitation in a committed relationship is a step towards marriage. Casual sex is wrong.
What does the Catholic Church say about cohabitation?
Sex is the body’s language and one way in which a married couple communicate their absolute, committed and exclusive love to one another. Sex should always have the possibility to create new life. Sex outside a married relationship is wrong.
What does the Church of England say about cohabitation?
Sexual relationships should occur within a marriage, as sex is an act of love and loyalty reflecting total commitment. Sex outside marriage falls short of God’s purposes for human beings, but they accept that for many people cohabitation is a step towards the commitment of marriage.
What is celibacy?
Choosing to remain unmarried and to abstain permanently from sexual relationships.
Why do some Christians choose to remain celibate?
They can fully focus on serving God. It means seeking to keep God as their primary focus and first love.
In the Catholic Church priests, monks and nuns are required to be celibate. It is a gift rather than a restriction, as they are better enabled to share the love of God with all, rather than being distracted by love for a spouse and children.
What is contraception?
An artificial or natural method used to try to prevent pregnancy as a result of sex. Some types also prevent the transmission of STIs.
What are the two types of contraception?
Artificial - the use of a device, operation, or medication to try to prevent unwanted pregnancy
Natural - choosing to have sex during the least fertile time in a woman’s menstrual cycle or use of the withdrawal method in order to reduce the chance of pregnancy.
What is the Catholic view on contraception?
Use of artificial contraception is sinful, as God gave sex to humans for reproduction. Natural contraception is permitted to allow a couple some control over when to have children. Abstinence, rather than condoms, should be used to stop the spread of STIs, although recently a Cardinal has accepted condom use in married couples where one has HIV/AIDS as the lesser of two evils. Most Catholics disagree with the official stance.
What are other Christian views and the CofE view on contraception?
Most denominations teach that artificial contraception is acceptable. The CofE says it is responsible to use contraception in order to ensure that children are planned and wanted.
What is abstinence?
Abstaining from sex until marriage
How do churches support couples thinking about divorcing before and in marriage?
Churches offer support or classes before a couple marry, in order to help the couple understand fully the commitment they are making and to explore disagreements. Churches usually offer some kind of support or counselling when marriages get into difficulty. Som refer couples on to a specific relationship counselling service e.g. Relate.
What does the Catholic Church say about divorce?
Marriage is permanent and cannot be broken by humans, so they do not accept divorce. A divorce breaks the legal agreement but not the holy agreement with God. A couple experiencing difficulties may separate and work to restore their marriage while not entering any other sexual relationships. Divorce is painful so advice and support should be given, even though they do not agree.
What is annulment?
Agreeing that the promises made in marriage were not valid, so neither is the marriage. It can happen in cases such as forced marriage. After annulment, individuals are free to marry someone else. It is used by the Catholic Church.
What does the Church of England say about divorce?
Couples should work hard to stay together. Sometimes, however, this is impossible and divorce is inevitable. The CofE cares for the couple through divorce. Divorcees are free to remarry. Remarriages in church are sometimes allowed, based on the parish priest’s decision.
What are traditional views on the roles of men and women?
Women are man’s helpers and men are the leaders. A woman’s role is primarily in the home, caring for children. A man’s role ks the main wage earner and provider for the family.
What does the Catholic Church say about men and women?
Women and men should have equal opportunity to work outside the home. Women are valued in any career they choose and women should not feel under social pressure to have a career if they would rather be a housewife and mother.
How did Jesus challenge gender stereotypes?
He gave women respect when women were treated with less respect and value than men. This shows Christians that God has time for men and women alike, so they should too.
What is complementarianism?
Men and women were created as different by God and so have different roles to play in life, including in Christian life. It is taught by the Catholic Church
Why does the Catholic Church refuse to allow female priests and bishops?
Jesus chose all men to be his disciples
The Early Church leaders were all men
Priests represent Jesus when celebrating mass
The authority of the Church has been passed on through men
Why do some Christians approve of female priests?
Jesus came to break down barriers between people
Jesus was following the tradition of his time. If he was alive today, he would have female disciples
God created women in his image as well as men
How are children brought up in the Catholic Church and the CofE?
Children are baptised, usually in their first year. Parents pray for their child and incorporate faith into their daily routines, e.g. by saying grace. Parents may read and discuss parts of the Bible with their children. Children may attend Sunday School. Children may choose to get confirmed, committing themselves to the Christian faith.
What is equality?
The fair and level treatment of all humans, regardless of race, gender, disability, religion, beliefs, sexuality, or age. All individuals have the same worth, so should be treated the same.
What do Christians believe about equality?
All humans are created in God’s image, so everyone has worth and value and should be respected.
What did Christianity use to say about slavery?
In the past members of the Catholic clergy and some Popes owned slaves. Continuing to the second half of the nineteenth century, the Catholic Church supported slavery, citing Bible verses supporting slavery. God also separated people into nations, so some Christians supported segregation.
What is prejudice?
Making a judgement about a person or situation before knowing all the facts
What is egalitarianism?
The belief that men and women were created by God as equals. There may be some differences, but they are equal in every respect, so should have equal opportunities to succeed and should treat each other fairly.