The Ethics Code: Ethical Standard 8 - Research and Publication Flashcards
8.01: When it is required, psychologists should provide accurate information and obtain appropriate approval from _______________________ or ___________________ before conducting research.
- Host institutions
- Organizations
- 02: Informed consent in the research setting should include information about the following:
1) The purpose of the research, its duration, and procedures
2) The subjects’ right to ______________ or ________________ from participating
3) The foreseeable consequences of declining or withdrawing
4) The factors that might significantly affect the decision to _______________
5) Prospective research benefits
6) Limits of confidentiality
7) ___________________ for participation
8) A contact person for questions and concerns
- Declining or withdrawing
- Participate
- Incentives
Note: Questions from prospective subjects should also be answered.
If research involves the use of experimental treatments, informed consent should also include information about the following:
1) The _______________________ of the treatment
2) The availability or non-availability of treatment for the control group
3) How subjects are __________________________
4) Available treatment alternatives if the subject declines or withdraws from the research
5) __________________ or costs of participating, as well as whether third party reimbursement will be sought
- Experimental nature
- Assigned to groups
- Compensation for
8.03: _____________________ is necessary before the use of filming or recording in research. One exception to this is the use of __________________________ in which personal identification and harm are avoided. Another exception is the use of recording in a research design that involves ___________________. In such cases, consent for the recording must be obtained during the debriefing.
- Informed consent
- Naturalistic observation
- Deception
8.04: When research subjects are clients, students, or other subordinates, psychologists must take care to protect them from any ______________________ due to declining or withdrawing from the research. When participation in research is part of a course requirement or an option for extra credit, other alternatives must be made available for students to obtain credit.
Adverse consequences.
- 05: Psychologists may dispense with informed consent when permitted by ___________ or ______________________. In addition, they may dispense with informed consent if the research is unlikely to create distress or harm in one of the following situations:
1) Normal ____________________ practices
2) Anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic observations, or archival research
3) The study of a job or organization’s _______________________
- Law
- Institutional regulations
- Educational
- Effectiveness
8.06: When ________________________ are offered to induce people to participate in a study, psychologists have to clarify the nature of the ____________________, including possible risks and limitations. Excessive financial or other inducements are prohibited as they may act as coercion.
- Professional services
- Services offered
- 07: Deception in research should be avoided unless:
1) It is justified by the study’s “significant prospective _________________, educational, or _____________ value,” and
2) ___________________, without deception, are not available
Nevertheless, psychologists may never deceive prospective subjects about research that may cause _________________ or emotional distress.
- Scientific
- Applied
- Alternative procedures
- Physical pain
Subjects must be debriefed regarding the deception ______________________, usually at the end of their participation, but definitely no later than at the end of ___________________.
- As early as possible
- Data collection
8.08: Participants are entitled to a prompt opportunity to obtain information about the research, including its ________________ and conclusions. When participants have ____________________, psychologists must take reasonable steps to reduce this.
- Results
- Suffered harm
8.09: Psychologists must treat animals ___________________. They must obey all relevant laws and regulations with regard to acquiring, caring for, and disposing of animals. They are obliged to supervise and accept responsibility for the handling of animals, and provide ___________________ and ensure the competence of those who handle the animals. Psychologists should make efforts to minimize the discomfort and pain of animals. Animals are only to be subjected to pain or stress when an alternative procedure is unavailable and the study is justified in terms of its “prospective…value.” Appropriate _________________ should be used when surgical procedures are performed. When an animal’s life is terminated, it should be done rapidly and with an attempt to minimize pain.
- Humanely
- Training for
- Anesthesia
8.10: When reporting results, psychologists should never ____________________. They must take reasonable steps to correct any errors that may occur in their published data.
Fabricate data.
8.11: _____________________ is strictly prohibited.
8.12: Publication credit should accurately reflect contributions to the research. Minor contributions should be acknowledged in a ___________________ or an ________________________. The Ethics Code specifies that students should usually receive first authorship when their dissertations are published as articles. Issues of publication credit should be discussed with students as early as possible and trhoughout the publication process.
- Footnote
- Introductory statement
Note: This standard does not apply to master’s theses. Often, a master’s thesis is completed as a part of a larger on-going research project, and the student’s contribution doesn’t actually warrant first authorship.
8.13: Previously published data should not be published in a manner that implies they are __________________.
Original data.
8.14: Psychologists should make available their own data to others who wish to __________________ their results, assuming confidentiality and legal concerns are addressed. They may also require that the requesting party pay for any costs that are incurred in this process. Psychologists who request data for the purposes of __________________ may not use the data for any other purpose, unless tehy obtain explicit written permission for these other uses.
- Replicate
- Verification
8.15: When _______________________ for publication, or presentation, psychologists should respect confidentiality and proprietary rights.
Reviewing articles.