The end of the Cold War 1970-91 Flashcards
1.Attempts to reduce tension between East and West 2.Flashpoints 3.collapse of Soviet control of Eastern Europe
What were the key features of the Outer Space treaty?
- between USA, USSR, Britain
- agreed no nuclear weapons would be placed in space by either superpower
What were the consequences of Outer Space Treaty?
- reduced tensions
- stopped arms race spreading to outer space
What were the key features of the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty?
- USA, USSR, Britain agreed neither would supply nuclear weapons to other countries or help them develop any
What were the consequences of the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty?
- reduced tensions
- stopped superpower conflict expanding to other areas of the world
What were the key features of the Apollo-Soyuz mission?
- 3 USA astronauts and 2 USSR cosmonauts met up in space to conduct joint scientific experiments
What were the consequences of the Apollo-Soyuz mission?
- reduced tensions
- increased cooperation
- cooperation in space led to improved relations
What were the key features of SALT 1?
- Strategic arms limitation treaty
- attempted to limit arms race
- Anti-ballistic missile treaty - only allowed on two sitesto protect nuclear balance - ensure neither immune to retaliation
- 5 years freeze on ICBM and SLBM (submarine) launches
- each side used satellites to make sure other side not breaking arms limit
What were the consequences of SALT 1?
- reduced tension/risk of MAD
- improved relations as two countries negotiating limits to control nuclear weapons but both continued to develop weapons around treaty
What were the key features of the Helsinki agreement?
- Europe’s borders recognised and USSR accepts existence of West Germany
- Calls for closer economic, scientific and cultural links
- agreed to respect human rights and freedoms e.g speech
What were the consequences of the Helsinki agreement?
- increased cooperations
- positive talks on co-operation
- some countries e.g USSR did not stick to human rights agreements
What were the key features of SALT 2?
- Limit of 2400 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles for each side (ICBMs SLBMs)
- limit of 1320 MIRVs systems for each side
- Ban on contruction of new land based on ICBM launchers
- Limits on deployment of new strategic offensive arms
What were the consequences of SALT 2?
- showed both sides keen to reduce arms at some point
- Arms limitation talks, but not passed by US congress & senate due to soviet invasion of Afganistan but terms honoured till 1985
What were the key causes of the soviet Invasion of Afganistan?
- April 1978 - communist revolution otherthrew government of Afghanistan. Taraki became president
- imposed communist style reforms, thousands of members of Muslim elite imprisoned, tortured or murdered
- Amin seizes power but continued instability due to anti-muslim policies
- Thousands join mujahadeen - declare jihad on Amin government
- Soviets increase military assistance
- Amin didnt want to become too reliant on USSR as wanted improved relations with US
- 30m muslims in Soviet Union - Brezhnev concerned over growth and spread of islamic fundamentalism, sent storng message soviet rule would not change
What were the key features of the soviet Invasion of Afganistan?
- Dec 1979 - Jan 1980 - 50,000+ soviet troops sent to afganistan to restore order and protect PDPA from mujahadeen
- Dec 1979 - Amin shot and replaced by Babrak Karmal, supported entirely by soviets, many afgan soliders deserted to join mujahadeen
- Karmal government needed 85,000 soviet troops to stay in power
What were the consequences of the soviet Invasion of Afganistan?
- Carter asked Senate to delay SALT 11
- US assistance given to Mujahadeen in afganistan
- War went on for 9 years, 15,000 Soviets killed and 30,000 injured
- Morale of soviet army hugely affected
- All US shipments of grain to USSR cancelled and US companies forbidden to sell technology to USSR
- USA and 61 other countries boycott 1980 Moscow Olympics
What were the key features of the Carter Doctorine?
- Policy stating USA would use military force if necessary to defend national interests in Persian Gulf
- US promised military aid to all countries bordering Afganistan
- Rapid Deployment Force - quick strike military force could intervene anywhere at short notice
- draft registration of 18-20 year old men and for congress to allow CIA to increase intelligence gathering activities