The end of Bismarck Flashcards
Why was Bismarck’s relationship with the Reichstag not stable?
- The Democratic government that was offered in the constitution was only granted as Bismark believed the mass of conservative German Peasantry would stay loyal to the monarch and state
- Hadn’t foreseen the rise of Industry + economic shifts leading to increased urban and industrial population that wanted democracy through elected representatives
- Bismarck hated having to take other’s views into account, didn’t share power with other ministers,
- Bismarck preferred autocracy not democracy, and only aligned with political parties as he needed approval of the Reichstag to pass legislation
What was issues with the alliance of Bismarck and the National Liberals between 1870-78?
Junker supporters were concerned about it being an ‘unnatural alliance’
- jealous of the growing power of the merchants, businessmen, factory owners
- Feared liberal domination would harm the interests of Prussian Landowners
- Clashes over Press law, military budget, economic protection, measures to curb socialism
What happened to Bismarck’s political relationships after the policy changes of 1878-79?
Bismarck turned to his more natural supporters- Conservatives + less obvious Zentrum Party
- played on the fears of socialism
- Better political relationships than before
- Worsened as SPD grew more as an opposition
What evidence shows that Bismarck’s relationship with the Reichstag in 1880 was bad?
Bismarck considered setting up the ‘Reich Council’
- alternative that would bypass the Reichstag
- experimented with setting up the Prussian Council, but the scheme was rejected by the Reichstag
What happened in 1881, worsening Bismarck’s relationship with the Reichstag?
Progressives (left liberals) gained the most seats after elections
- around 75% of the Reichstag deputies were hostile to Bismarck’s government + challenged almost every measure
What happened with the Reichstag between 1881-1886?
Neither Conservative-Central or Conservative-NL would command a majority in the Reichstag
- Bismarck had to create his own majority with various other groups to command power
- Opposition was strong, the pace of passing legislation slowed
What happened in 1886 between Bismarck and the Reichstag?
Bismarck sought the Reichstag support for 10% increase in taxation, to finance army growth
What happened in 1887 after Bismarck failed to gain support in the Reichstag to increase taxation to finance army growth?
January 1887- He had the Reichstag dissolved + artificially created a war scare crisis in order to get the support he needed in the new Reichstag
What was the new Reichstag like in terms of political belief?
Elections produced a pro-Bismarck combination of 2 Conservative parties + the National Liberals
- taxation was granted to finance army growth
How stable was the new Reichstag?
It was unstable and unreliable
What happened in October 1890?
Bismarck proposed a new permenant Anti-Socialist Bill, permitting strong police action
- provoked heated debate-> Bismarck suggested he should let the Socialists to rise in rebellion so the army could be called to defeat them
- Reichstag rejected the bill, another General Election was held
What was the result of the 2nd General Election of the New Reichstag?
Increased SPD + Progressive Party representation
(Last Reichstag for Bismarck as Chancellor)
Under which Kaiser did Bismarck resign?
March 1888: Kaiser Wilhelm I died
Succeeded by more Liberal son, Frederick III, died June 1888
Succeeded by 29 year old son, Wilhelm II
Bismarck resigned March 1890
When did Bismarck resign?
March 1890
How did Bismarck’s resignation come about?
Kaiser and Bismarck usually worked as Bismarck would threaten to resign and the Kaiser would allow Bismarck to make his own decisions
- Wilhelm II wanted to rule himself
- Bismarck wasn’t used to interference from previous Kaiser + made no attempt to form an alliance or friendship with Wilhelm II, usually ignoring him + his policy suggestions
What were issues between Bismarck and Wilhelm II?
- Bismarck wanted to control policy making and maintain his position as Minister-President of Prussia. The Kaiser believed in personal rule and wanted to reduce the powers of the Minister-President.
- Bismarck wanted to repress socialism and workers’ agitation. Wilhelm II was more sympathetic and believed he could win over the industrial workers where Bismarck had failed.
- Bismarck wanted to maintain close relations with Russia, whereas the Kaiser favoured Austria.
- The chancellor cared nothing for popularity and was happy to fight the ‘reichsfeinde’ and remain aloof in politics. Wilhelm wanted to be loved and honoured by all classes in society and perceived himself as the ‘people’s emperor’.
What was the first major clash between Bismarck and Wilhelm II?
- Kaiser was sympathetic to German workers, 1889- intervened in a miners strike in the Ruhr, lecturing employees on social responsibility
- Strongly opposed making Bismarck’s anti socialist law permenant
- Wilhelm II planned social reforms which were put before the Crown Court in 1890 + Bismarck showed little interest
What happened in terms of political representation in the 1890 election for the Reichstag?
SPD and Progressives increased number of seats
Conservatives, particularly Free Conservatives (in favour of Bismarck) decreased
What was Bismarck’s next move after the 1890 election?
Produced 2 bills
- Called an increase of 125,000 men into the army
- Called for a permenant and more brutal Anti Socialist Law
What did Bismarck expect as a reaction to his 2 bills in 1890, and how did the Kaiser react?
Expected them to be rejected by the Reichstag
- planned to call the Bundesrat to alter the constitution so the Reichstag would lose more powers and voting rights-> a coup (would’ve destroyed the empire he was devoted in creating)
- Wilhelm II rejected the scheme
What 2 further incidents destroyed Bismarck’s career?
Discovered out of date Prussian Cabinet order of 1852- Ministers could only approach the Kaiser through the Chancellor
- Wilhelm II demanded the order be withdrawn
Bismarck told the Kaiser that he couldn’t take a planned visit to Russia as he received unfavourable reports from the German Ambassador there.
- Wilhelm was furious, even more so once having read the reports- His Fury turned on Bismarck- had a new chancellor in mind (General von Caprivi), so demanded his resignation
- Bismarck supplied it thinking the Kaiser wouldn’t accept it, but he did, so Bismarck was no longer Chancellor after March 1890
What did Bismarck do after his resignation?
- Promoted + given a new title of Duke of Lauenburg
- Soon to be elected to the Reichstag as a NL, but was embarrassed by being taken to a 2nd ballot by a Social Democrat opponent + never took his seat
- Entered retirement in Varzin
- Died in 1898 at the age of 83
What were problems Bismarck left behind to his successors?
- The authoritarian constitution had not proved adaptable to the changing situation in Germany and particularly the growth of socialism
- The Reichstag had been denied a positive law-making role by Bismarck which weakened it in the face of a new ambitious and interfering Kaiser
- Bismarck had intensified divisions within Germany by his policies of confrontation, especially against Catholics, socialists and national minorities
- Bismarck had ensured the army had a prominent position within the new Germany which gave its leaders a powerful voice at the Kaiser’s court