The emergence of a new developmental model Flashcards
What is development?
conventional model sees development as modernisation of globe along western lines;
Econ. growth = development, ultimate state = mass consumption;
growth is limited because of biosphere limits;
assumes linear progression
-> exceptional & contingent, not universally applicable, intrinsic value of nature is ignored
strong vs weak sustainability
strong: cannot be substituted, natural capital is essential for well-being, no capital must decline over time
weak: natural capital is not important but substitutable
Is sustainable development dynamic?
term evolves over time to encompass broader understanding of the connection of the 3 pillars;
global goals are regularly renewed;
innovation and technology;
policy and regulation updates
What is the Brundtland report?
“Sustainable development is development that meets needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations o meet their own needs”;
Gro Harlem Brundtland, -> commission independent of UN to focus on environment and sustainable development 83,
Our Common FUture 87;
puts development (Econ & social) + sustainability (ecology) together;
needs-based approach -> satisfaction of humans top priority;
economic growth as means not as an end (to set goals)
development through technology & fundamental societal changes -> absolute limits of biosphere absorption
fulfilment of needs of world’s poor and reduction of wants of world’s rich
introduction of 3 pillar approach
optimistic view, development is possible if we stay within planetary boundaries
limits to environmental capital imposed by state of technology and social organisation on env. resources -> biosphere cannot absorb all effects of human activities
Pillars of sustainable development
economic, social and environmental
Griggs introduces nested approach since not all are equally important,
economy should serve society instead of the other way around,
wants to introduce a new definition
“… development that meets needs of the present while safeguarding support systems on which current & future welfare depends
What are critics on sustainable development?
Brundtlands definition of SD needs improvement,
oxymoron -> terms are contradictory,
sustainability is a vague concept and difficult to agree on in policies,
nested approach instead of 3 pillars,
greenwashing and too western oriented