The Anthropocene Flashcards
What are geological epochs and how are they defined?
defined by Strat signal;
GSSP decides it;
unit of geological time during which a rock series is deposited; subdivision of a geological period
What is the Holocene?
warm, interglacial epoch with stable climate, in which humanity could develop;
started 12,000 years ago;
lower, middle and upper Holocene;
golden spike found in ice in greenland
What is meant with the Great Acceleration?
comparing socioeconomic factors with earth system trends -> general upwards trend;
looks at functioning of earth systems as a whole;
population growth, industrialisation and infrastructure development had huge impact;
we’re in a period of exponential acceleration of industrialisation, human activity and pollution;
introduced discussion about Anthropocene
What evidence is available to support the formal recognition of the Anthropocene approach?
increased levels of CO2 in atmosphere;
microplastic articles are ubiquitous and everywhere -> waterways, oceans;
double of phosphorous and nitrogen in soils -> fertiliser;
ocean stores less carbon;
higher extinction rates
What is meant with the Anthropocene
present geological time interval in which conditions and processes on earth are profoundly altered by human impact;
acknowledges that humans have immense influence on dynamics on earth;
humans actions have become a geological force;
fundamental change in relation between humans society and earth
What are the Anthropocene’s main driving forces?
growing population, technology development, higher concentrated greenhouse gases -> through fossil fuel burning, increased consumption, I=PAT;
1. new materials
2. modification of sedimentary processes,
3. changed geochemical signatures in sediments + ice
4. carbon evidence in ice cores
5. climate change
6. biotic change
What is the relevance of the Anthropocene from a sustainable development perspective?
Anthropocene science
1. interdisciplinary issue, social sciences, geology, life sciences
2. developing of a long-lasting solution
3. need for moral engagement -> product of choice since Anthropocene emerged from human activity;
reevaluation of humanity’s relationship with the planet & moral responsibilities associated with Earth’s future;
challenges traditional disciplinary boundaries;
emphasizes need for a synthetic approach and underscores the environmental consequences of human actions;
interest in ANthropocene mostly due to feeling of responibility