The Effect of Illness/Disease on the Family Flashcards
The types of Families
- Closed
- Open and
- Random
Function of a Closed Family
Well defined borders
Independence of the family towards instances outside the family circle
Strict discipline
High level of privacy
Work division
This type of structure gives security to their members
Function of an Open Family
No obvious borders
Interaction with the community and individuals outside the family
Decisions are made by group consensus
Conflict and love are openly shared
Although individual freedom is respected, the happiness of the family gets priority and is the most important
Pliability and experimenting are outstanding characteristics
Function of the Random Family
Chaotic group atmosphere
Stronger independent development of the individual
No time schedules regarding eating and sleeping
Everyone goes his/her own way
Problems are solved individually
Problems and crisis are the rule
Individual freedom is predominant
Important Facts with regards to the Family
Families are usually mixtures of the three groups.
The style of the family may change as the family grows and develops
The types of families react different towards disease and crisis
The family physician should identify the stronger characteristics of the family and use it to help them return to their normal functioning.
New forms of Family
Cohabitating Parents
Single Parent Family
Same-Sex Couples/Family
The Dominant Family Member
Every family has a dominant member.
He or she is usually the one who gives the most support to the others – who also interprets the feelings of the group and vents them.
It may be the father, the mother, grandmother or even one of the children.
Stressful events in the Family
Shift of status:
- Serious Disease, Retirement, Job-loss, New Job,
- Moving houses
Addition of a family members:
- Birth/Adoption
- In-Laws
Depletion of a family member/Leaving:
- Death
- Divorce/Separation
Demoralizing Event:
- Alcohol
- Rape
- Violence
Impact of Family on Health and Illness
Health Behaviour:
- Self medication, Religion, Diet, Excercise
- Smoking, Alcohol
Genetic Predisposition:
- Obesity, Hypertension,DM
- Asthma, Malignancy
Family Support:
- Smoking cessation, Alcohol Absteinence
- Weight reduction, Exercise Uptake
Family Stressor:
- Somatic
- Psychological
Impact of illness on the Family
Illness can affect families mainly in 3 ways:
- Somatic
- Psychological
- Non-Health Areas
Domains illness affects a family of a ill member:
Physical Pain
Loss of appetite
Sleep Disturbances
Domains illness affects a family of a ill member:
Feeling Hopeless/Lost
Domains illness affects a family of a ill member:
Non-Health Areas
Role changes
Effects on Job/Work
Financial Pressure
Interruption in career development
Alteration in Social Activities/Church Attendance
Impact of disease of the Father/Dominant Member on the Family
Dominant role lapses
Stability of family threatened if someone else does not take over the role
Routine disrupted
Concern about loss of leadership role
Family does not accept the inactivity
Returns to work too soon
If the father retains his dominant role as long as possible it is a sign of stability
Graphic representation of the effect of illness/crisis on the Family
A-B: This is the normal level of functioning
B-C: Point where the disease strikes
C-D: The reaction of the family (Denial, aggression, bargaining, depression and acceptance)
D-E: Return to the pre-crisis functioning
G-H: Functioning at a higher level
I-J: Functioning at a lower level
I-K: Disintegration
Evaluation/Assessment of function of a Family
Ability of family to support and nurture each other
Communication style and skills
Problem solving skills and decision making skills
Ability to adapt to change
Involvement in family activities
Factors which enhance stress management/ Characteristics of Resilient Families
Clear divisions between generations
Flexibility and adaptability
Tolerance to individuality
Easy communication
Support of one another’s self-respect
Doing things together
Good parental coalition
Vulnerable Families
Random families
Middle socio economic families
Frequent consultations
Strategies to enhance family coping ability
Constructive communication
Supporting each other
Taking care of family’s physical and emotional health
Finding the new normal
Utilizing resources outside the family:
- Social worker
- Home based care worker
- Disability Grant
- Family/Couple/Group Therapy
- Child/Adolescent Therapy
- Support Group
Indication for Referral
Indication for Referral:
Family repeatedly in crisis
Multiple members in crisis
Present with longstanding problem
Family cannot utilize advice offered by doctor
Family seriously lacks coping skills and resources
Indication for Referral:
Doctor does not have time
Cannot build relationship with family
Does not have skills or interest
Is uncomfortable with some situations