The Economy Flashcards
Why did the Wall Street crash happened?
In the 20s people believed that the economic boom would go on for ever. They spent money they didn’t have borrowed more than they could pay back and bought lots of stocks and shares.
But there was a problem. The factories were making too many goods poorly paid workers couldn’t afford to buy them and the companies were in trouble. To save money they sacked people which meant even fewer people could afford the product. It was a vicious circle and in 1929it collapsed
What what is a bank run?
When everybody goes to the bank to try to withdraw their money at the same time. The physical money is not actually in the bank as it has been invested elsewhere. Consequently people are trying to withdraw money which is not actually available.
What were the consequences of the Wall Street crash?
Millions of people lost their jobs and savings over night even rich businessmen lost everything, many people lost their homes and were forced to live in Hoovervilles. People begged for food and money and were forced to rely on charity. Farmers were very badly hit because they had to cope with the effects of the dust bowl as well. Many of them had to leave the forms and go to find work as fruit pickers in states like California.Family life affected – falling marriages, bus route. Suicide is increased, schools closed. There were approximately 2 million hobos by 1933.
By 1930 to approximately 25% of the population has no income
In 1932 March on Washington what were the unemployed war veterans demanding?
They were demanding early payment of bonuses which had been scheduled to be paid in 1945.. They set up a huge Hooverville outside the White House,Hoover ordered troops to drive them out and burn down the shantytowns
What were Hoovervilles?
Shanty towns
What were Hoover blankets?
Layers of newspapers
What were Hoover flags?
Men’s trouser pockets turned inside out to show they had no money
What were Hoover wagons?
Because with horses tied to them because they could not afford petrol.
What was the agricultural depression.
Countryside ruined, from is bankrupt and evicted from properties. Soil infertility, dust bowl, thousands of farmers migrated across the USA.
How did hoover attend to deal with the depression?
Initially did very little, carried on laissez-faire and rugged individualism policies.
When this didn’t work he did start to make some changes. He met business leaders and asked them not to cut production or wages.
He increased import duties on foreign goods (Hawley- Smoot tariff act 1930)
Lent money to farmers
Cut taxes
Set up a relief agencies took to coordinate relief efforts
Got approval from Congress for new construction and repair to Roads and dams ($1.8 billion)
Persuaded state and local government to expand public works programs
Who won the 1932 presidential election?
Franklin D Roosevelt
How did Roosevelt force his changes through?
He called for emergency presidential powers similar to those used in the war situation. He was criticised for this, but served for terms of office and was extremely popular.
What were the aims of the new deal?
Relief, recovery and reform
What did Rooseveldt do to encourage people to feel confident again?
Fireside chats on the radio. In his first speech as president he said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If he could encourage Americans to feel confident again the economy would improve. If people were optimistic about the future they would take on more workers, spend more money, and get the economy going
Why did Rooseveldt temporarily close the banks in March 1933?
He was worried that more banks would collapse if people continue to take out their savings.
What was the basic idea behind the new deal?
The government would spend its way out of trouble by investing in companies and projects to create jobs (carried out by alphabet agencies)
What was AAA?
Agricultural adjustment act
Government paid farmers to produce less
What was TVA?
Tennessee Valley authority
Gave money to help poor agricultural regions.
When and what was the Wall Street crash?
24 October 1929 (black Thursday)
The price of stocks and shares in America crashed (they were no longer worth any money)
What was The alphabet agency CCC?
Civilian conservation Corps
Give jobs to young unemployed men
What was the alphabet agency NRA?
National recovery administration
Tried to improve workers pay and conditions
What was the alphabet agency FERA
Federal emergency relief Administration
This was a temporary measure providing $500 million for relief.
What was done in the Second New Deal (1935)
Works progress Administration from the building programs
Wagner Act. (National labour relations act). This upheld the right of workers to organise and enter into collective-bargaining. It helped workers and lead to an increase in union membership.
Fair labour standards act – established minimum wages and maximum hours
Social security act – pension benefits for the elderly, orphaned and those injured at work. Unemployment benefits funded by tax on payrolls of employers
What were the successes of the new deal?
People trusted business again, so started investing.
Old and disabled people got pensions
Workers had better wages and more rights
Millions of jobs were created
Industry and agriculture began to recover
FDR won 1936 election easily
America remained a democracy
Strengthened the unions
Created a semi welfare state- pensions for elderly,widows and help for sick and disabled
Criticisms of the new deal
Blacks and women didn’t have equal rights
Many small farmers and city workers (especially blacks) remained out of work
The Depression didn’t end until WWII
Too many taxes
Republicans said it gave FDR too much power
Southerners said it interfered too much in local govt.
Businessmen said it was an attack on ‘Free Enterprise’ and it made it too hard to make profits
Some said it didn’t do enough (father Charles McCoughlan and Huey Long, Dr Frances Townsend.
Supreme Court said some parts were unconstitutional (AAA, NRA)