The Dynamic Of Earth Unit 1: 3,4&5 Quiz Flashcards
What is deposition?
Process by which eroded material is dropped.
What is Gradient?
The measure of change in elevation over a certain distance
What is a load?
Materials carried by a stream.
What is discharge?
The amount of water that a stream carries in a given amount of time.
What is a path that a stream follows?
What is a floodplain?
Many layers of deposited sediment that forms a flat area.
What is a meander?
Curves and bends that form a twisting, looping pattern in a stream channel.
What is a delta?
A fan-shaped pattern that streams deposit their loads.
What is an alluvial fan?
A fan-shaped deposit that forms on dry land.
What is water that is located within the rocks below earth’s surface?
What is a place where land and a body of water meet?
First parts of a shoreline that waves meet is what?
When water travels almost parallel to the shoreline very near shore what is the current called?
Longshore current
What forms when waves erode and undercut rock to make steep slopes?
A Sea Cliff
As a sea cliff erodes above the waterline, a bench of rock usually remains beneath the water at the cliff’s base. What is this bench called?
Wave-cut platform.
Waves can cut deeply into the cracks and form large holes. As the holes continue to erode they become what?
Sea caves.
What forms when wave action erodes sea caves until a hole cuts through a headland?
Sea arches
What forms when the tops of sea arches collapse and leave behind isolated columns of rock?
Sea stacks
What is an area of shoreline that is made up of material deposited by waves and currents?
A beach
What is an underwater or exposed ridge of sand, gravel, or shell material.
What are tiny grains of broken down rock called?
A rapid movement of a large mass of mud?
The first parts of the shoreline that waves meet?
The current of water that travels parallel to the shoreline
Longshore Current
Calcite deposits from the groundwater that form from the ground up?
The movement of water and minerals from the A to B horizon?
Materials carried by a stream are called?
Stream Load
A loose mixture of small rock fragments, organic matter, water and air that supports vegetation.