The Dumas 1906-1914 Flashcards
What was the Fundamental Laws 1906?
Legal form of the promises made in the October Manifesto
What was Article 4 of the FL?
Tsars continuing primacy
What was article 87 of the FL?
Tsar to proclaim new laws without Duma permission when it wasn’t in session
What was the imperial state council?
Half appointed by the Tsar, half by nobility, church and Zemstva
What was the 1st Duma known as?
Duma of National Hopes
What party held the majority in the 1st Duma?
the kadets
Why was the 1st Duma dissolved?
The government lost patience after it began debating land reform measures
How many members of the 1st Duma fled to Finland before it was dissolved and why?
200 members fled to avoid arrest
What did the members of the 1st Duma that fled to Finland release?
The Vyborg Manifesto
What was the Vyborg Manifesto?
Called for people to refuse paying tax until the Duma was restored
What happened to the signatories of the Vyborg Manifesto?
Arrested and banned from involving themselves in politics
What was the 2nd Duma known as?
Duma of public anger
When was the 2nd Duma created?
Feb 1907
What parties boycotted the voting of the 1st Duma?
What party held majority in the 2nd Duma?
Why was the 2nd Duma dissolved and when?
Dissolved mid 1907 after it refused to support Stolypins land reforms
How did Stolypin dissolve the 2nd Duma?
claimed that Bolshevik members were involved in treasonable activity
What did Stolypin do after the dissolution of the 2nd Duma?
Scrapped the 1905 electoral laws
What did Stolypin replace the electoral laws with?
System where the nobility elected more than half of the Duma, peasantry elected one fifth
What was the 3rd Duma known as?
Duma of the Lords and the Lackeys
When was the 3rd Duma created?
Nov 1907
What did the 3rd Duma want?
National insurance, democratic processes to be removed
Was the 3rd Duma successful?
Achieved successful social reforms, only Duma to survive its full sentence
When was the 4th Duma created?
Nov 1912
What did the 4th Duma do?
Continue the work of the 3rd Duma
Why did the 4th Duma dissolve itself?
To help with the war effort in Aug 1914
Was the Tsar in a strong position in 1914?
Autocracy had been established, defence, foreign affairs and public order policy all belonged to the Tsar, FL used to bypass Duma