Stolypin repression and reform 1906-14 Flashcards
When were redemption payments abolished?
Cut in half in 1906, abolished in 1907, due to end in 1910
What did Stolypin declare in August 1906?
State of emergency in European Russia
What happened after the state of emergency was declared?
Government officials could imprison people without trial for up to 6 months, troublemakers were exiled
What were field-courts martial and what did they do?
Courts composed of 5 army officers, held trials within 24hrs of an offence in secret with no lawyer
How long did trials in field courts-martial last?
2 days, death penalty carried out within 24 hours, no appeals
How many people received death penalties from field courts-martial?
1000+ people between 1906-7
What happened to the ST petersburg Soviet in 1906?
Trotsky and other members sentenced to life in exile in Siberia
How many revolutionaries were arrested in the black earth region of Voronezh?
over 2000 arrested
What was Stolypins motto?
Pacification first, then reforms
What did Stolypin want from his land reforms?
Peasants to have separate farms, develop attachment, more willing to develop the farms
What class did Stolypin aim to create through his land reforms?
Kulak peasant class
How many peasants had left the village commune by 1914?
only 20%
Were Stolypins reforms successful?
Nobility opposed giving Zemstva more power, Church opposed reforming education, repression alienated moderates and reform antagonised conservatives
When was the Trans-Siberian railway started and completed?
Began in 1891, completed in 1916
How many emigrated to Siberia between 1906-13
3.5million peasants
How many peasants returned to Russia after emigrating