The Cytoskeleton Flashcards
Component of Cytoskeleton?
Microtubules, microfilament, intermediate filament, and accessory and regulatory proteins
Microtubules composition and shape.
Associated with
Polymer of tubulin dimers : alpha tubule and beta tubulin.
Composed of 13 (+/-) Protofilaments (stacks of tubulin dimers)
Tubulin is a GTPase: it hydrolyzes GTP to GDP releasing energy.
Hollow cylinder with a dimeter of 24nm making it largest of all filaments.
It ‘s associated with accessory proteins called microtubules- associated proteins (MAPs) that stabilize and space the polymers and regulate interaction between the cytoskeletal elements.
Properties of microtubules
and acts as a?
Highly dynamic. Undergoes bouts of assembly and reassembly.
Acts as a substrates for microtubule based motor protein (dynein and kinesin) to transport cargo.
polymerization structure of microtubules
talk about the different ends
Polarized polymer with a plus and minus end.
Plus end is the dynamic end that lengthens and shortens.
Functions of MT
Make up the mitotic spindle- cell division.
High way of the cells - transport.
Provide railways for organelles transport in most interphase cells.
Key determinant of cell shape
Very important for neurons for cell shape and axonal transport
Provide backbone for cilia and flagella.
Microtubule polarity and dynamic
where are the ends of MT embeded ?
Positive end is the dynamic one- faster rate of tubulin addition and removal.
Negative end- slower rate of tubulin addition and removal.
The negative end is embedded within the centrosome while the positive end is towards the periphery of the cell.
MT dynamic instability
Refers to the behavior of the positive end of the MT where it polymerize and depolymerize over and over.
Rapid depolymerization is referred to as catastrophe.
Rescue refers to the polymerization phase of MT following a catastrophe.
Every time a MT is growing it is a rescue phase.
Polymerization occurs at the positive end o the MT. Tubulin is a GTPase, it has to be loaded with GTP before it gets polymerized.
As a function of time, most of the MT will have a GDP bound tubulin, while the plus end where the newly incorporated tubulin will have a GTP bound to them, referred to as the GTP cap of the plus end.
Now when a catastrophe happens we stop having the GTP loaded tubulin added to the plus end. Now we only have the GDP bound tubulin that was already in the microtubule. The GDP bound tubulin has a higher probability of falling off the plus end, so we get the catastrophe period where the MT is now shrinking.
Microtubules associated MOTOR proteins
and structure.
Dynein and Kinesin.
Dynein moves towards the negative end (center of the ell)
Kinesin moves toward the positive end of the cell..
Both use ATP as energy source that allows them to walk along the MT
They are made up of heavy chains that make up the head domain which interacts with the MT.
They also have light chains or light and intermediate chains. The functions of these light chains is the regulate the function of the motor proteins whether it’s on or off, or how fast it actually goes, AND control what the motor protein is bound to.
There are many types of light and intermediate chains that bind the heavy chains of the motor proteins which gives the Motor proteins specificity
Dynein: made up of head domain and base. the base is made up of light and intermediate chains.
Kinesin: made up of head domain, coiled coil , and a tail that is made up of light chain.
Microtublules associated proteins (structural non-motor proteins)
Like Tau.
Organize MT
Regulate MT stability (how long a MT would stick around in the cell)
Regulate MT dynamics
Microtubule Organization and Nucleation Center
what other organelles nucleate MT ?
Nucleation occurs at the centrosome.
This is where the negative end of the MT is born.
The negative end emanate through nucleation ( the genesis of a polymer) from the centrosome.
The positive end emanate through polymerization (elongation) and fills the cytoplasm.
recent research indicates that the Golgi fragments may also nucleate MT
Cilia and Sperm Flagella
what nucleates them
Microtubules based structures for movement.
Cilia is found in the lung epithelium, trachea, fallopian tube.
function as a mucociliary escalator for, e.g to move phlegm.
They are apical projections found at the surface of the cell. This is one of the cases where the nucleation doesn’t happen at the centrosome.
They are nucleated from the basal body!!
The basal body also uses gamma tubulin to nucleate MT that gives rise to the cilia.
so the structure of the MT within a cilia is that they have a basal body just underneath the plasma membrane.
The - end is embedded within the basal body and the + end projects to the tip of the cilia.
Centrosome structure
what protein is found there
what is the process
Two microtubules in the center aligned perpendicular to each other. This is the core of the centrosome.
There’s also abundance of other proteins attached to it.
one of the most important proteins found in the centrosome is Gamma tubulin. it is required ONLY for nucleation.
It is a type of tubing that forms a little ring that alpha and beta dimers start to be added to that first ring that is made up of gamma tubulin.
YOU DO NOT FIND ANY GAMMA TUBULIN ALONG THE MT they are all alpha beta dimers.
Mucociliary escalator
Motile cilia that keeps you alive.
It moves mucus up and out into our oral cavity from our lungs.
it prevent us from suffocating on our own mucus.
This happens bc the cilia beats and move mucus. Hence the name
if it malfunctions= primary ciliary diskinesia
Made up of microtubules.
The axoneme
general term for cilia and flagella like structures.
Arranged in 9+2 (2 pair in the center and 9 pair around).
in between 9+2 there is a dynein connections. Dynein is not moving cargo, but instead moving the MT relative to each other.
Dynein is what allows the microtubules to bend by sliding MT relative to each other
Disease associated with malfunction of microtubules based cellular structures
Immotile cilia syndrome (aka primary ciliary dyskinesia) - body wide defect in axonemal structure that result in obstructive lung disease and sterile males- Bc mucociliary escalator doesn’t move and sperm doesn’t move
Karatgener’s syndrome - syndrome is characterized by the combination of primary ciliary dyskinesia and situs inversus. Situs inverses is the reversal of normal body asymmetry where the organs are flipped.
Cancer- cell division depends on MT. Taxol is a cancer drug that disrupts the MT dynamics to block cell division. It binds MT and stabilize them so they cannot be depolymerized which is just as bad bc MT are constantly going dynamic instability and if that is prevented that it will cause problems in cellular based physiology
Diseases associated with mutations/alteration in microtubule proteins.
Lissencephaly- smooth brain due to a mutation in microtubule proteins LIS 1 and doublecortin.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A- Mutation in specific kinesin (neurologic)
Neurodegenrative disorders- mutations in tau, kinesin, spastin.
Neurotropic Viruses
Viruses that when they infect the body they go to the neurons by hitching a ride on the MT
Ex: herpes virus.
virus gets in through a cut in the body. find nerve endings of the cell and bind it. Virus takes a ride on dynein on the MT to the cell body. The they replicate and take a ride on Kinesin to the nerve ending to release viral particles and cause disorders.
Microfilament Composition.
Smaller of the filaments (7nm)
AKA Actin filaments
Non hollow polymers of actin
Actin is an ATPase- binds ATP and hydrolyze ADP.
Helical structure (two chains wrapping around each other )
Microfilament Properties
substrate for what
where do they nucleate
variation in shape
Extremely dynamic- if not stabilized undergo rapid bouts of assembly and disassembly.
Lots of configurations (mesh work, bundles, circles) all of which regulated by accessory proteins.
Act as a substrate for myosin motor protein to move along and carry cargo.
Unlike microtubules they dont have a specific organization center like the centrosome and an be nucleated almost anywhere in the cell.
Microfilament structure(polrization and whre doees portein move)
Polarized filaments with barbed and pointed end.
Barbed is favored for assembly (like + end)
Myosin moves towards the barbed end (+)
Microfilament Functions
In cell cortex for various function.
Cleavage furrow for pinching off cell in final stages of mitosis
Cell motility
short-range organelle transport.
Contractility (in both muscle and non muscle)
Structure of Actin Filaments ( F-actin) and isoforms
3 actin isoforms: alpha, beta, gamma.
Alpha actin is only present in muscles and it’s muscle specific (actin for skeletal, actin for smooth and actin for myocardium)
Beta and gamma are found in most cells.
It’s a helical structure bound by accessory proteins.
Actin filament nucleation and polymerization
Actin must be ATP loaded for nucleation and polymerization.
numerous molecular system for nucleation:
1) Actin on its on
2) ARP2/3 complex (Actin Related Proteins): Cells makes a complex of the ARP2/3 proteins that can then start to grab on to ATP loaded actin monomers and organize them in right orientation relative to each other so that they bind and start to form a polymer.
The peculiar thing about ARP2/3 complex is that it first binds an existing actin filament then it starts forming another filament that would grow as a branch off the original filament.
ARP2/3 requires previously existing filament
3) Spire: Don’t require previously existing action filament.
4) Formins: Don’t require previously existing actin filament
Both Spire and fromins take 3-4 actin subunit and organize them in the right order to start nucleation and from the nucleation we get polymerization
G-actin (monomer of actin. F-actin is filament), is loaded with ATP. Then we get nucleation where the pointed end is formed. Then ATP bound actin will get added to barbed end.
ATP bound actin will hydrolyze to ADP bound actin as a function of tie.
Functions of Actin Associated Proteins
Lots of regulations, lots of diff proteins that can organized actin filament in many different ways.
Stress Fibers vs Leading edge meshwork
Stress fibers are in the center of the cell. They are a bundle of filaments that are bound by alpha actinin( formed the bundle)
they are nucleated by formins which doesn’t require preexisting filament.
they are also bind myosin which allows cells to contract and exert force on the environment.
Leading edge meshwork is at the end of the cell. It is INDIVIDUAL actin filaments. Nucleated by ARP2/3 which requires an existing filament to form branches of actin filaments.
allows to change shape of cell at the edge.
F-actin associate
force generating mechanoenzymes with roles in contractility and intracellular transport.
All muscle cells are build on actin filaments and myosin.
Myosin consumes ATP to undergo conformation movement that slide filaments relative to each other and allow contraction of sarcomere.
(Myosin II)
Myosins structure
what myosin is found in all muscles?
Monomeric myosin (Myosin 1)- one heavy chain.
Dimeric myosin- two heavy chain that intertwine together like myosin2 and myosin 5.
There are a lot of different types of myosins. They are all motor proteins.
Motor proteins are regulated by light chains.
Myosin 1 and Myosin 5 are regulated by Calmodulin light chains, which are ca binding proteins. Ca is one of the major regulatory element that control whether the myosin is active or not
Myosin 2 is the main contractile myosin that is found in all muscles. this is the one that generates all movement.
has two light chains:
essential light chain- they are essential and have to bind to the myosin2 in order for the myosin2 to do anything. Essentially on/off keys.
regulatory light chain-determine whether the myosin is active as a motor protein or not, and they are regulated by kinase.
Most myosin move toward the barbed end of filaments while some move towards the pointed end of the filament .
Cytokinesis we have Factin and myosin 2 at the contractile ring during cell division
Actin filament rings forms a contractile ring that myosin 2 binds and slides the filaments relative to each other and it contracts until it pinches off two cells.
Cancer drug development here.
Myosin 1 at the edges of the each cell
Actin based epithelial projections
Microvilia, steroceilia.
Microvilia increases surface area so it’s found in small intestine for absorption.
Steroceilia in the ear to detect sound waves.
Cytoskeletal organization of microvilli
what do they look like
waht are they composed of
what binds them to plasma membrane
what proteins binds them together
Finger like protrusion.
Composed of actin filaments
Barbed end towards the tip.
myosin1functions as a structural protein (although it is a motor protein) here where it binds the actin filament to the plasma membrane
Villin and fimbrin binds actin filaments together.
Erythrocyte cytoskeleton
Actin filaments serves as scaffold for spectrin.
Actin filament links spectrin
Diseases associates with malfunction of actin based cellular structures
this was on the test last year
Hereditary spherocytosis- deforms red blood cells to fragile spherocytes because of a weakened binding affinity of Spectrin to Band 4.1
Hereditary elliptocytosis deforms red cells to fragile elliptocytes because of incomplete formation of spectrin
Breast cancer- Tensin (actin associated protein) links integrals receptors to cytoskeleton is disrupted, promoting metastatic migration of cancer cell.
mutations/alterations in actin
Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy- mutations in a specific cardiac actin. other muscles are ok it’s just heart specific actin
Mutations in skeletal muscle actin are associated with characterized by structural abnormalities of muscle and variable degree of muscle weakness
Mutations/alterations In myosin
Myosin VI causes deafness- prevent proper formation of stereocilia
Myosin VII mutations associated with deafness, neurological disorder , and blindness ( usher syndrome type 1. hearing, vision and balance)
Utilizes endogenous actin machinery to translocate within cells
Amanita Phalloides
Release Phalloidin which is a toxin that binds to and stabilizes acting filaments= prevent dynamics = cell dies.
highly toxic
Intermediate Filaments Structure
non polarized
about 10nm ( middle in size)
Comparatively Nondynamic(much more stable)
IF functions
Space filling element
give cells tensile strength
specialized functions depending on cell type
important at cell junction
IF important points
ugh less conserved across cell types than MT or MF
different cell types have different IM which makes it used as cell specific markers
Type v forms nuclear lamina and is the only one that doesn’t vary from cell to cell . mutation leads to muscular dystrophy
IF formation
No nucleation system
Start with intermediate filament monomer with amino end and carboxyl end and central domain . An alpha helical region is between them is pretty much similar across all different types of IF. They differ at amino, carboxyl and central domain regions.
We start with an individual monomer that then forms a coiled coil dimer but that is not the building block yet.
The coiled coil dimers assemble into tetramers and that is the basic building block of IF.
These tetramers bind to each other so that the central domain ends up interacting with either an amino or carboy end of another tetramer, kinda like brick wall
Diseases associates with malfunction of IF
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex- mutation in keratin genes (no tensile strength) expressed in basal cell layer of epidermis. Results in a skin that is very sensitive to mechanical injury= gateway to infection.
TYpe 1 keratin
Progeria- fast aging disease associated with a mutation of the nuclear lamin protein (in nucleus) type 5
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
mutation in keratin genes (no tensile strength) expressed in basal cell layer of epidermis. Results in a skin that is very sensitive to mechanical injury= gateway to infection.
TYpe 1 keratin
fast aging disease associated with a mutation of the nuclear lamin protein (in nucleus) type 5