The Convergence of the Twain Flashcards
What is the poem about? Context and themes
Hardy wrote this poem about the Titanic. Themes on human vanity and arrogance. Saying how the Titanic should have been a moment of progress but is instead a part of history.
Themes for paragraphs
Humanity vs Nature, Power of fate, Archaic vs Romantic language showing illusion vs reality, form and structure
Quotes for Humanity vs Nature
“In a solitude of the sea Deep from human vanity” “mirrors” and “opulent” vs “sea-worm” that is “grotesque” and “slimed” “A Shape of Ice, for the time far and dissociate” “Whole of Verse 8”
“In a solitude of the sea Deep from human vanity”
“human vanity” shows the deified solipsism of humanity contrasted with the sibilance of “solitude” and “sea” conveying the vast emptiness of where the titanic, this great human creation, ended up stuck in nature
“mirrors” and “opulent” vs the “sea-worm” that is “grotesque” and “slimed”
strong contrast and juxtaposition between the wealth and beauty of human luxuries between the unpleasantness of nature. the titanic is devalued as it says how the sea-worm crawls over it
“A Shape of Ice, for the time far and dissociate”
Personification of the “Shape of Ice”, not a distinctive shape, just a “shape”, creates this looming threat which is “dissociate” conveying its alien presence
Verse 8
“smart ship”, strange way to describe ship, maybe mocking human intelligence. creates sibilance with “shadowy silent”. Assonance and repeated rhymes echo each other, shows how humanity and nature are approaching each other
Quotes for Power of fate
“The Imminent Will” “prepared a sinister mate” “‘Spinner” “jars two hemispheres”
“The Imminent Will”
Abstract sense of what is going to happen to the ship. Personified showing power of it and how underestimated it is. The ‘turn’ in the poem.
shows the weaving of a pattern and how we are all vulnerable to a higher power that weaves our fate
“jars two hemispheres”
shows the literal convergence - harsh and brutal language of “jars”. “two hemispheres” - last line, represents the whole world, how the titanic has such a big impact on the whole world
Quotes for archaic language vs romantic representing illusion vs reality
“stilly couches she” “salamandrine fires” “Whole of verse 4” fish saying “What does this vaingloriousness down here?”
“stilly couches she”
“stilly” is vernacular as is “couches” meaning to succumb - the idea of humanity succumbing to the inevitable fate of nature
Verse 4
romantic hyperboles of alliteration on “joy” and “jewels” then diminished by alliteration and assonance of “lie lightless”. “bleared and black and blind” - archaic words, like middle english poetry, with plosive sounds, harsh and brutal to undermine the beauty and opulence
Fish saying: “what does this vaingloriousness here?”
Strange image of fish speaking using polysyllabic language, slightly comic. fish is asking what the titanic is doing here, as if it is out of place, like the absurdity of the fish, illusion vs reality. “vaingloriousness” archaic, used in greek and latin tragedy, hyperbole, even stranger for a fish to be using this. maybe like nature is mocking humans with the comic aspect of fish
“salamandrine fires” contrast to “cold currents”
“salamandrine” - latinate language, mythical creature that can resist fire. relating to how when the titanic was built, everyone thought it was invincible but in the end it was brought down by ice, opposite of fire. “cold currents” brings us back to the harsh, cold reality of the sea and nature. illusion vs reality
Structural points
Rhyme structure: AAA BBB CCC (triplet rhyme) like a nursery rhyme, undercuts seriousness of poem
Anapaest - short, short long stresses on beats, disjointed, insecurity of poem, builds up tension, puts emphasis on words, creates more speed to poem
Rhythm: 2 short lines 1 long line, last line mimics beats in first 2, line is overlong, trying too hard, like the anticipation of this invincible ship
Roman numerals: like a countdown to the big event, formal, latinate, excessive
Number of verses vs lengths of verses: ambition of titanic vs fate of titanic