THE COMPENDIUM Part 4 (occlusion) Flashcards
THA TMJJJJJJJ: where are the two synovial cavities and what types of movement do they aid in?
superior- translation and inferior-rotation
THA TMJJJJJJJ: does the articular disc have innervation? vascularization?
nope and nope
THA TMJJJJJJJ: what type of tissue is the articular disc?
fibrous connective tissue
THA TMJJJJJJJ: which component of the TMJ is highly innervated and highly vascular?
the RETROdiscal tissues
THA TMJJJJJJJ: what part of occlusion can cause pain?
loading (don’t really get this)
THA TMJJJJJJJ: trauma can cause _______
Habitual occlusion/centric occlusion is also called:
Maximum intercuspation is easily achievable, but not always ________ by the patient
This occlusion is a CONDYLAR position
Centric Relation
In centric relation, the _____ portion of the articular disc is being used.
What term describes the MOST STABLE position of the condyle?
centric relation
In centric relation: you have ______ and ______ position of the mandible with the disc properly interposed?
Superior and anterior
CR and MI
IN IDEAL OCCLUSION: all teeth contact ________.
IN IDEAL OCCLUSION: all the occlusal forces are ________.
IN IDEAL OCCLUSION: During crossing over, guidance is smoothly transferred to the ________.
IN IDEAL OCCLUSION: Eccentric movements are _______-guided.
IN IDEAL OCCLUSION: there are no cross-over contacts on _______ teeth.
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
Temporalis, Masseter, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid
Which of the muscles of mastication is the least likely to be palpated by the clinician?
the Lateral Pterygoid
If the left lateral pterygoid is severely damaged and the patient is instructed to open their mouth, the mandible will deviate or move to the _______ side as the damaged lateral pterygoid muscle is located on.
Normal Closure of the Mandible- you will have contraction of what 3 muscles? What muscle RELAXES?
ANTERIOR fibers of the Temporalis, Masseter, and Medial Pterygoid…SUPRAHYOIDS relax
Normal Closure of the Mandible- Which muscle plays NO PART in this?
Inferior belly of the Lateral Pterygoid
MAXimum opening position- the LATERAL PTERYGOID contracts and the _______ belly pulls the condyle completely OUT of the fossa to the _______.
INFERIOR belly….anterior
MAXimum opening position- once the condyle has moved anteriorly it will stop at the terminus of the ________
articular eminence
MAXimum opening position- once the condyle has hit the articular eminence, the articular disc moves WITH the condyle and the ______ belly of the lateral pterygoid is in significant contraction.
In Angle’s Class I Occlusion- ___ cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes in the ______ of the mandibular 1st molar.
ML….central fossa
In Angle’s Class I Occlusion- ____ cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes in the _____ of the mandibular 1st molar.
MF cusp….MF groove
In Angle’s Class I Occlusion- the cusp tip of the maxillary canine is articulating with the facial embrasure between which two teeth?
mandibular canine and the mand 1st PM
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: CR
centric relation
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: MI
maximum intercuspation
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: E-T-E
edge to edge incisal
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: MP
maximum protrusion
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: MOA
maximum opening arc
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: MO
maximum opening point
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: HA-MO
hinge axis to maximum opening
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: HAT
Hinge Axis Terminating point
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: HA
Hinge Axis Arc
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: RP
Rest Position
Border Movements in a Sagittal Plane: CL
Chewing Loop
When the lateral translation movement occurs before the condyle translates from the fossa.
immediate sideshift
he progressive Lateral Translation movement of the condyle in a downward, forward, and inward (medial) direction.
progressive sideshift
The more severe the _______ sideshift, the shorter the posterior cusps and the wider are the ______ & ______.
immediate…fossae & grooves
What makes up the Bennett Movement?
Immediate Sideshift + Progressive Sideshift
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: MI
maximum intercuspation
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: ELL
extreme left lateral
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: MO
maximum opening
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: CL
chewing loop
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: RP
rest position
Border movements in the Frontal Plane: ERL
extreme right lateral
THE BIG ONE FOR OCCLUSION-ONE OF MY WEAKNESSES—What are the 7 Vertical Determinants of occlusion?
- Condylar Guidance Angle (fixed) 2. Anterior Guidance (variable) 3. Nearness of cusp to the Controlling Factors (variable) 4. Plane of Occlusion (variable) 5. Curve of Spee (variable) 6. Mandibular Lateral Translation aka Bennett Movement (fixed) 7. Timing of MLT: (a) Immediate Sideshift aka Bennett Shift & (b) Progressive Sideshift (fixed)
Here’s a fun concept: The medial wall of the non-working condyle can affect the height of the maxillary ______ cusps and mandibular ______ cusps on the non-working side. The working side cusps are more affected by the ______ rise on that working side.
{{Anterior Guidance Influence}} An INCREASE in _______ Overlap results in more of a vertical component to mandibular movement and STEEPER posterior cusps.
{{Anterior Guidance Influence}} An INCREASE in ________ Overlap (diminished anterior guidance angle) results in less vertical displacement of the mandible and FLATTER posterior cusps.
{{Anterior Guidance Influence}} Variations in the anatomy of the _____’s and/or the ______ teeth will lead to changes in the movement pattern of the mandible.
TMJ’s and/or the anterior teeth
{{Anterior Guidance Influence}} The exact _______ of a posterior tooth is influenced by the pathway it travels across its opposing tooth or teeth.
{{Anterior Guidance Influence}} is going to influence our _____ in the lab.
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ The NEARER the tooth to the ______, the MORE the joint anatomy influences the eccentric movement
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ The NEARER a specific tooth is to the _______ teeth, the MORE the anatomy of the anterior teeth influence its eccentric movement.
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ The WIDTH of FOSSAE and the DIRECTION of GROOVES are ________ considerations of occlusal morphology
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ The DEPTH of FOSSAE and the HEIGHT of CUSPS are _______ considerations of occlusal morphology
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ The occlusal forces placed on posterior teeth are best distributed in _______.
+Occlusal Determinant Factors+ As the plane of occlusion approaches parallelism with the articular eminence, the ______ the posterior cusps will need to be in order to avoid collision.
Tall v. Short Cusp Height Allowances, A steep condylar guidance angle will allow for ______ cusps