THE COMPENDIUM part 1 (dental anatomy) Flashcards
What are the contact areas for the Maxillary Anterior Teeth?
What are the contact areas for the Mandibular Anterior Teeth?
Posterior Contacts: Generally are placed in the ______ 1/3 of the crown. What is our area of exception?
MIDDLE… except the MESIAL contacts of all molars, they are at the JUNCTION of the occ and middle 1/3
Posterior Contacts: The MESIAL contact area is typically positioned more ________ than the distal. WHAT is our 1 exception (and where is it located)?
occlusally…Mandibular 1st PM (mesial is more cervical than distal)
Posterior Contacts: What is the shape of the contact area?
Posterior contacts: FacioLingually- where are most contacts found? LETS NOT forget, the posterior teeth tend to have theirs slightly more to ward the _____.
middle 1/3….facial
Heights of Contour: All teeth have FACIAL heights of contour at the ______ 1/3 of the crown….hmmm the mandibular molars are more like what?
cervical…junction of the cervical and middle 1/3’s
What is another name for a facial height of contour?
a cervical ridge!
Which teeth have their facial heights of contour most prominent? Which teeth are they least prominent?
Most-mandubular posteriors, least-mandibular anteriors
What is another name for an anterior’s lingual height of contour? Where are they located?
a cervical ridge!..located in the cervical 1/3
Posterior Lingual heights of contour are normally located in the ______ 1/3 of the crown. Except which tooth? Where’s to at?!
middle….mand 2nd PM (its occlusial 1/3)
THE CEEEEEJJJJJ…The CEJ “dips” in what direction on the proximal surfaces of the teeth?
THE CEEEEEJJJJJ…Speaking of a dip of the CEJ, which “dips” incisally/occlusally MORE: anteriors or posteriors?
THE CEEEEEJJJJJ…“dips” more on the ______ proximal surface of the tooth than on the ______.
more dip on MESIAL than on distal
THE CEEEEEJJJJJ…“dips” more on maxillary or mandibular teeth?
THE CEEEEEJJJJJ… the most ‘severe’ curvature is found on the ______ surface of the _________. The lease is found on the _______ surface of the __________.
mesial of maxillary central incisor….mandibular 3rd molar
Embrasures! ______ embrasures are wider than _____ embrasures.
lingual wider than facial (generally teeth are wider facially than lingually)
Embrasures! What are the 3 exemptions to our general ranking of embrasures?
- Maxillary 1st molar 2. the 3-cusp variety mand 2nd PM 3.THE DARK HORSE!-mandibular central incisors (same size)
Embrasures! The incisal embrasure is LARGEST between the _______ and the _______.
maxillary lateral incisor and the canine
Embrasures! the incisal embrasure is 2nd largest between the ________ and the ______.
mandibular lateral incisor and the canine
Embrasures! the incisal embrasure is 3rd largest between ________ and _______.
maxillary central and lateral incisors
Embrasures! the incisal embrasure is 4th largest between the ______ and _______.
maxillary central and central incisors
Embrasures! the incisal embrasure is 5th largest between the _______ and _______.
mandibular central and lateral incisors
Embrasures! the 6th largest (haha the smallest) incise embrasure is between the _______ and the ______.
mandibular central and central.
Embrasures! What is the largest OVERALL occlusal embrasure??
maxillary canine and 1st PM
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. primary teef show first evidence of calcification in utero during the ____ trimester (~____ weeks).
2nd trimester (14 wks)
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. calcification of primary crowns complete by ______ (which teef??)
11 months (max 2nd molars)
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. ________ teeth usually erupt before their ________ counterparts
man dies before maxies
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. which primary teeth are first to erupt (when?)
mandibular centrals (8-10 monts)
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. which primary teef are the last to erupt? when?
max 2nd molars..29 months
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. all primary roots have completed formation by _______? Which teeth?
about 2.5 years…max canines
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s-What are the first to calcify? When?
1st molars, at BIRTH
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s-the mandibulars usually erupt before the maxillaries…whats the common exception?
the max 2nd PM usually erupts before the mand 1st PM
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s..which are the 1st to erupt? this starts the “_____” dentition phase…
1st molars.. “mixed” dentition
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s…what are the first SUCCEDANEOUS perms to erupt? when?
mand central incisors..6.5 years
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s-what are the LAST succedaneous teeth in the arch?
maxillary canines
Calcification and Eruption, my new wheelhouse dawg. Perm’s-what are the last teeth to undergo calcification, crown completion, and to erupt?
3rd molars. Slam Dunk.
From a facial or lingual view, ALL teeth have a _______ shape.
TRAPEZOIDAL (shorter parallel side = gingival/cervical)
From a proximal view, the anterior teeth have a ______ shape.
TRIANGULAR (apex is incisal)
From a proximal view, maxillary posterior teeth have a ______ shape.
TRAPEZOIDAL (shorter parallel side is occlusal)
From a proximal view, the mandibular posterior teeth have a _______ shape.
Concerning the orientation of the Incisal edge of anterior teeth, Maxillary incisors are ______ relative to the long-axis bisector of the tooth.
Concerning the orientation of the Incisal edge of anterior teeth, maxillary canines- the cusp is centered over or slightly ______ to the long-axis bisector of the tooth.. ( it is NEVER ______)
facial…NEVER lingual (it needs to be facial to the mandibular canine!)
Concerning the orientation of the Incisal edge of anterior teeth, A TYPICAL MISTAKE!- mandibular incisors- the edge is ______ to the long-axis bisector of the tooth.
lingual (needs to be lingual to the maxillary incisors!)
Concerning the orientation of the Incisal edge of anterior teeth, A TYPICAL MISTAKE!-mandibular canines- the edge is ______ to the long-axis bisector of the tooth.
lingual (why do people miss that??)
In teeth with one facial cusp, the mesial cusp ridge is slightly ______ than the distal cusp ridge. EXCEPT- which two teeth?
SHORTER! (kind of goes against convention)…1) Max 1st PM and 2)Primary Max Canine-remember!?)
Crowns of teeth when measured occlusalcervically tend to get _______ from canine to 3rd molar.
Developmental lobes-ALL teeth develop from ____ lobes. (of coarse there are exceptions-different flash cards)
Developmental lobes- what are the 3 exceptions to the 4 lobe theory? how many lobes DO they develop from?
- perm max 1st molar 2. perm mand 1st molar 3. 3-cusp mand 2nd PM (all develop from 5 lobes)
GENERALLY- the ______ portion of a tooth is better developed and measures more occlusalcervically as well as cervicoapically than the _____ portion.
When comparing like classifications of teeth (i.e. molars or premolars) the more posterior the tooth, there is the more _______ anatomy or “_______” anatomy.
WHICH cusp on molars with be the LARGEST?
the MESIAL working cusp (max-ML, Mand-MF)
LETS GET ENDO’D. -slam dunk- the roots of all teeth are inclined in what direction?
LETS GET ENDO’D. if a single root has two CANALS, one will be ______ and one will be ______.
facial & lingual
LETS GET ENDO’D. Teeth erupt with as many pulp horns as _____ and the chamber follows the overall outline of the crown, where will its widest portion be?
cusps!! the widest portion of the chamber will be in the widest portion of the crown
- Maxillary 1st molar (MF root) 2.Mand 1st molar (M root) 3.Mand 2nd molar (M root) 4. distal root of the mand 1st (31%) and mand 2nd (14%)
LETS GET ENDO’D. what is the MOST likely single rooted anterior to have more than one canal? what anatomical feature causes this?
mandibular CANINE..M and D root depressions
LETS GET ENDO’D. what is the anterior tooth MOST likely to have two roots?
mandibular canine
LETS GET ENDO’D. What is the 2nd MOST likely anterior tooth to have 2 canals?
mand lateral incisor
LETS GET ENDO’D. What is the 3rd/LEAST likely anterior tooth to have 2 canals? What anatomical feature might make this happen?
mand central incisor, M and D root depressions
LETS GET ENDO’D. Which group of teeth DO NOT have multiple canals?
maxillary anterior teeth
LETS GET ENDO’D. max PM’s- the Max 1st PM has ____ canals and ____ roots.
2 canals (always) and 2 roots (usually)
LETS GET ENDO’D. the max 2nd PM has VARIANT pulp morphology. it can have ___ canals and occasionally ___ roots.
2 and 2
LETS GET ENDO’D. what is the PM MOST likely to have 1 root and 1 canal?
the mandibular 2nd PM
LETS GET ENDO’D. what is the only tooth with a pulp wider M/D than F/L?
maxillary central incisor
LETS GET ENDO’D. the maxillary central and lateral incisors have a ______ shaped pulp chamber when looking incisally at a cross section.
UniQUe Morphology-Max central incisor- the ____ to _____ crown dimension is the GREATEST of any anterior tooth.
mesial to distal
UniQUe Morphology-Max central incisor- the M curvature of the _______ toward the incisal is the GREATEST of any tooth.
cervical line/CEJ
UniQUe Morphology-Max central incisor- the incisal edge is ______ faciolingually.