The collapse of the Empire Flashcards
when was LXVIII invited to take the French throne and by who ?
- The allies
- April 1814
What were the conditions of LXVIII taking the throne ?
- A charter of74 articles
- Drawn up by Napoleonic ministers and Louis’ own advisors eg Talleyrand (France’s representative at the Congress of Vienna)
- Conditions : Fair taxation, equality before the law, constitution with a 2 chamber assemblies, freedom of individuals, relatively free press, freedom of worship, abolition of conscription and owners of biens nationaux would keep their lands
Where was NB exiled to ?
When did LXVIII leave exile in Britain ?
- 3rd May 1814
How did LXVIII show himself to be a monarch ?
- Processed through the streets in traditional royalist pomp + installed himself in Tuilleries palace
- The freedom as it was promised was his personal gift to the people not their basic right
- Made clear his belief in divine right and refused to accept any responsibility to a new assembly
When was the First treaty of Paris drawn signed ?
- 30th May 1814
What were the conditions of the treaty ? (First peace of Paris)
- Allies agreed to withdraw form French soil and allowed France to keep looted artworks
- No war indemnity but the French had to accept the borders of 1792 (extended east of the Rhine even though Belgium, holland, Italy and Germany would be lost BUT 500,000 more people would be included in France since 1790)
When was the Vienna congress ?
- Lasted 8 months and was signed in June 1815
Who hosted the Vienna congress and how much did it cost them ?
- Austrian Emperor Francis I
- Equivalent of 7 million
Which key figures attended the Vienna congress ?
- British Foreign secretary : Viscount Castlereagh
- Austrian Foreign minister : Viscount Klemens von Metternich
- Tsar Nicholas and his foreign minister
- Prussian king, foreign minister
- French foreign minister : Talleyrand
How many people attended the Vienna Congress ?
- 4 Kings
- 2 crown pieces
- 3 grand duchesses
- 32 German Royals
- 215 Princes
- Governments ministers and other state representatives
How was business conducted at the Vienna congress ?
- Through informal discussions and through 10 special committees
- No full sessions and participants only met all together in June 1815
When did the Hundred days last between ?
- 20th march 1815 and 22nd June 1815 (94 days)
When did news reach that NB had escaped Elba and landed in France ?
- 11th march 1815 (when the congress was in session)
What was lavish about the Vienna congress ?
- The entertainment : Balls, banquets, concerts, theatre, ballet and hunting parties
What declaration was signed 13th march 1815 ?
- Major powers signed a declaration declaring NB as an outlaw
- offered LXVIII their assistance to resist any attempt by NB to regain power
Where and when did NB land in France ?
- 1st March 1815
- South Coast near Cannes
- With under 1,000 men but attracted a huge number of workers and peasants as he moved Northwards through France
what nay have the troops been duped into believing with regards to NB ?
- His falsehood that he had been summoned to Paris by the allies
When was there a rising against the Bourbons and when ?
- Lyons
- Before NB even reached the city (9th march 1815)
How was NB successful on landing in France ?
- Acquired ever increasing forces
- By the time news about his landing reached Vienna, he had 12,000 supporters
When did the Royal army defect to NB and what did it result in ?
- 19th march
- The royal army stationed outside Paris defected to NB
- LXVIII (whose vulnerability was clear despite claiming divine right) left the capital