Challenges to the Empire (Needed only for context) Flashcards
What was the Berlin decree and how did the British respond ?
- Forbade all states under French control or allied from buying British goods and declared GB was in a state of blockade
- Nov 1807 : GB issued the orders in council where GB wouldn’t buy goods from France and the Royal Navy would blockade the ports if France and its allies
What was the Milan decree ?
- Dec 1807
- Authorised French warships to capture neutral ships sailing from any British port
What impact did the continental system have on the Empire ?
- One of the most unpopular policies
- Products like tea, sugar and tobacco became unattainable which then provoked uprisings and complaints
How did the continental system lead to an extension of war into the Spanish peninsular and Russia ?
- Portugal refused to obey the continental system
- This then provoked a damaging Napoleonic entry in to Spain (1808)
- Furthermore in 1810, Tsar Alexander I chose to opt out of the system
Why did Napoleon turn against the Spanish ?
- Napoleon’s view of the Spanish king had by devalued by him switching alliances
- He was also plagued with political chaos and corruption
What provoked the Madrid riots of 1808 and how did the French respond ?
- May 1808 : Citizens rebelled against French occupation (100 soldiers were killed)
- They were then crushed by Murat, the elite imperial guard and a cavalry of Muslik soldiers
- The following day 100’s of Madrid’s citizens were shot in retaliation
How did Napoleon try to enforce French control of Spain ?
- Forced Charles to abdicate (March 1808)
- Attempted to divide the Spaniards
- Napoleon imposed his brother as the King of Spain
What factors led to the defeat in the Peninsular war ?
- Guerrilla warfare by the Spanish (combat of ruthless peasant bands who launched surprise ambushes, night raids and attacks)
- Geographical conditions (supply lines to France were difficult to maintain, it was a new experience for the French armies and communication was poor)
- British support for the Spanish (harassed the French and Wellesly was replaced with Moore)
Why did Austria re-enter the war in 1809?
- Encouraged by French setbacks in the peninsula
- They also improved tactics, corps structure and were developing conscription
Main events of the Austrian Campaign ?
- Austrian army invaded French Bavaria in April but was slowed by poor roads and opposing Bavarian troops
- 21st/22nd April : NB won at the Battle of Eckmuhl but was forced to retreat North of Danube
- July : Napoleon recrossed the river and 5/6th July the 2 sides met near Vienna and had a two day battle which NB eventually won (lost 34,000 men)
Why did the French find the Austrians harder to defeat now ?
- NB was overconfident and not well prepared
- Austrians had newly developed tactics and the extensive use of artillery
What did NB do to Holland?
- 1810 :
- Brought Holland back under direct French control
Why did France go back to war with Russia only 3 years after they made peace ?
- Strains of the continental system and the British blockade
- NB married Marie Louise of Austria rather than a Russian Princess
- Concerns over NB’s ambitions for Poland
What was Napoleon’s aim for the Russian campaign ?
- To gain territory
- To maintain the trade embargo
To what extent was bad planning the main reason for French defeat ?
- Scorch the earth policy of Russia made it impossible for the French to use their normal tactic of living off the land
- NB had a less disciplined force as most were conscripts from the Empire
- Normal advantages eg manoeuvrability were of no use