The Collapse Of Liberal Italy 1915-22 Flashcards
What is the timeline of this section?
-1909 (Sep); Mussolini begins work as PSI member
-1912 (Sep); Mussolini begins work at PSI Avanti!
(Oct); Mussolini expelled from Fascist party (Nov); Il Popolo d’Italia founded
-1915 (May); Italy signs Treaty of London
-1917 (Nov); Battle of Caporetto defeat: Austria sent entire army & 7 German divisions to Italian front, humiliating defeat (40k dead, 300k prisoner, retreated 150km)
-1918 (Oct); Vittorio Veneto victory, Austria sign armistice
-1919 (Jan); start of Bienno Rosso (Mar); formation of fasci di combattimento (Sep); D’Annunzio seized Fiume
-1920 (Sep); wave of factory occupations: electrical victories for socialists
-1921 (May); electoral alliance: 35 fascists elected incl Mussolini (Aug); Pact of Pacification betw fascists & socialists (Oct); PNF formed (Nov); Mussolini elected leader of PNF
-1922 (Jul-Aug); general strike broken up by fascist violence (Oct); March on Rome, Mussolini becomes PM
What were the main problems of the time period?
-Anger; over mutated victory, weak gov, war profiteers, pacifist socialists, etc
-Fear; of socialist revolution
-Expectation; of new & dynamic Italy (reforms promised by Libs after Caporetto, workers’ power, land reform, greater Italy
Why was there a ‘mutilated victory’?
-Italy on winning side of war but not rewarded w/ what they’d been promised
-Only got Tyrol & Istria
-Cost of the war were very high
Mutilated victory; how many soldiers were conscripted and why were they at a disadvantage?
-5m conscripted
-Fought bravely but were ill equipped/trained & forced to fight war of attrition
Mutilated victory; what were the casualties of the war?
-600,000 dead+
-450,000 permanently disabled
-500,000 seriously injured
-More than 2.5m soldiers demobilised
Mutilated victory- economic implications; how much did the war cost?
-148m lire over 3 years (2x of unification)
-Gov spent 23b lire more than had collected in taxes
Mutilated victory- economic implications; what were the inflation and prices figures due to the war?
-High inflation (400%)
-prices x4
Mutilated victory- economic implications; by how much did wages drop due to the war?
Mutilated victory- economic implications; whose savings were destroyed as a result of the war?
The middle classes
Mutilated victory- economic implications; how was trade impacted due to the war?
Was ruined
Mutilated victory- economic implications; what figure did unemployment reach due to the war?
2 million
Mutilated victory- economic implications; by how much did the national debate rise and why?
-From 16b to 85b
-Due to heavy loans from GB & USA
Mutilated victory; why did Italians believe their suffering would be rewarded?
The government had promised soldiers that their families would get land, jobs, pensions,medical treatment
Mutilated victory; what did Catholics think of the war effort?
Supportive, but also remained supportive of Catholic Austria
North/South divide worsening due to war; how did the North prosper even still?
-Industries linked to war production like steel, chemicals & motor production did very well before 1918 as guaranteed large state contracts & inflation not issue since could raise prices in correspondence
-Companies like Fiat remained successful to point where it became largest manufacturer in Europe
Mutilated victory; how did the North/South divide worsen for the South due to the war?
-Was predominantly agricultural & couldn’t share prosperity
-This was because farming was negatively hit by conscription in large numbers, to prevent spread of Bolshevism, gov promised programme of land reform for after war
-Southerners found it hard to fight at north-eastern border for sake of few Italian speaking towns
Mutilated victory; what discredited the parliamentary system?
Unemployment, demobilised soldiers, civil unrest, gov debt, inflation
Mutilated victory; why were ex-soldiers drawn to Fascist squads?
They missed comradeship (Trincerismo) of trenches
Mutilated victory; what was wrong with the government’s policies?
They would appease one group but alienate another
Mutilated victory; what were the socialists inspired by?
The 1917 Russian Revolution
Mutilated victory; why did the Bourgeoise become increasingly bitter & what was the result of this?
-Had no muscle to press for higher wages, unlike unions
-Savings were hit due to inflation, as were real wages
-Became increasingly bitter → natural recruiting ground for fascists
Mutilated victory; what did Italy want from the peace treaties & what were the terms instead?
-Demanded ridiculous amount of Terra Irredenta, also portion of German colonies
-Gained no African territories & Dalmatia/ -Fiume were given to Yugoslavia to help develop it
-Italy’s long term opponent, Austria, had been defeated & empire dismantled; Italy left dominant power in Adriatic
Fascism; who were the Arditti & how were they set up?
-Daring, ruthless commando fighters who faced death every day
-1919; Arditti set up by futurist in Rome= national association of the Arditti
Fascism; who was the main leader and enemy of fascism?
-Mussolini (had set up the Fasci Di Combattimento & had sworn oath to kill & die for Italy)
-Communism; fear of same revolution as Russia