The Cognitive Interview - Fisher Flashcards
Aim of Fisher
To test the cognitive interview in the field
Method of Fisher
Field Experiment with actual interviews of real interviews by serving police detectives
Participants of Fisher
16 detectives - Robbery Division of Dade County, Florida
Minimum five years
Procedure of Fisher
First Phase - Selection detectives interviews recorded using standard techniques, took 4 months, 88 interviews
Detectives in two groups - 1 group trained in cognitive interview
Training - 4 60minute sessions. 7 detectives completed
Next 7 moths more interviews done. CI’s were analysed by a team at the uni of Cali, blind to conditions
Results of Fisher
CI group - 47% more info than before
- 63% more info than untrained group
Accuracy, lab based research - no difference between C1 and standard interview. 85% of statements being correct in all conditions
24 with corroboration, 94% of statements were corroborated
Time taken to interview witness is not significantly different