The Cognitive Approach to Treating Depression Flashcards
What is CBT?
Cognitive behaviour therapy
What is the most commonly used psychological treatment for depression?
What is CBT based on?
Using cognitive and behavioural technqiues
What can CBT do?
Help people with how they think and what they do in order to make them feel better
What are the two different types of CBTs?
- Beck’s cognitive therapy
- Ellis’s rational emotive behaviour therapy
What happens in Beck’s cognitive therapy?
- Client assessed to discover severity of their conditions
- Therapist establishes baseline
- Then challenges the irrational thoughts
What did Beck’s cognitive therapy challenge?
Negative triad of the client
What are the patients challenged to do during Beck’s cognitive therapy?
Encouraged to test the reality of their irrational thoughts (‘patient’ as ‘scientist’)
What is the shorter way of wording Ellis’s CBT?
What did the REBT extend for the purpose of the CBT?
The ABC model
What was the ABC model extended to?
What does D stand for in the ABCDE model?
Dispute (challenge the thought)
What does E stand for in the ABCDE model?
Effect (Beneficial effect on thought and behaviour)
What are the two different types of arguments that Ellis use to challenge irrational thoughts?
- Empirical argument
- Logical argument
What is the empirical argument?
Disputing whether there is evidence to support the irrational belief
What is the logical argument?
Disputing whether the negative thought actually follows from the facts
What is behavioural activation?
Increasing and encouraging engagement in activities that have shown to improve moods
Why may behavioural activation have to occur?
Due to depression causing a person to increasingly avoid difficult situations and become isolated
Why is CBT effective?
Reduces symptoms of depression and in preventing relapse and there is a large body of evidence to support this (March et al, 2007)
Does CBT work on all cases?
Which cases do CBT not work on?
Most severe cases
What can you do to try and decrease the severity of depression to allow CBT to occur?
Use antidepressants
Why is CBT a limitation in treating depression if not working for severe cases?
CBT cannot be used as the sole treatment in all cases
What did Rosenzweig (1936) suggest?
The difference between various methods of psychotherapy is very small
What is very important when commencing a CBT?
The therapist-patient relationship
Does CBT focus on the present, future or past?
Future and present
What does the CBT ot focus on?
The past
Why may the focus of the CBT be a limation?
As patients want to focus on childhood experience so can find ‘present-focus’ therapy frustrating
Is the cognition of depression oversimplified?
No, overemphasised
Why is the cognition of treatment for depression be a limitation?
- Minimising certain aspects of patients living circumstances
- Patient may be living in poverty so may need to change location not there mind set