The civil rights movement- Chapt. 4, Lesson 3 & 4 Flashcards
14th amendment
Equal protection under the Constitution for all United States citizens.
15th amendment
No voting discrimination based upon race
13th Amendment
The abolishment of slavery
19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote
24th Amendment
It prohibits any poll tax in elections for Federals
Rights act of 1964
This law banned segregation in stores, restaurants, hotels, and theaters. It ended discrimination in decisions about hiring workers.
What was used to keep African men from voting?
Literacy tests, poll taxes, residency and property restrictions, and extra-legal activities like violence and intimidation were all used to keep African Americans from voting.
Chicano Movement
The purpose was to end discrimination against Mexican American citizens
Brown v. Board of education of Topeka Kansas
In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) they won a major victory. The Supreme Court struck down “separate but equal.” It also ruled that segregation in public schools was against the `Constitution.
Montgomery bus boycott
The Montgomery bus boycott was a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama
Freedom Rides/Freedom Riders
A group of peaceful protesters that rode buses to show no more segregation of where black and whites should sit.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Famous for his “I have a dream speech”, he wanted peace between all races and showed it by peacefully protesting. He was sadly assassinated by James Earl Ray
What event helped promote an amendment that lowered the voting age to 18?
During the drafting of the Vietnam war
Emancipation Proclamation
Signed on January 1st 1863, it declared that all slaves should be free
Poll tax
A sum of money required of voters before they are permitted to cast a ballot
16th amendment
Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on income.
What amendments were passed after the Civil War ended?
13th which abolished slavery, 14th no unfiar laws, and 15th gave african americans right to vote
Affirmative action
The practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously
Equal Rights Amendment
Stated that no state could deny any person equal rights because of gender. It did not become an amendment because it was never ratified by enough states.
Years the states ratified the bills
23rd Amendment
Gave voting rights to the people living in Washington, D.C. They still do not have representatives in congress though.
26th Amendment
Changed the minimum voting age to 18, it used to be 21
What years was the Civil War fought?
Gitlow v. New York
The case of Gitlow v. New York dealt with a number of Constitutional amendments, rights guaranteed to American citizens. The case also dealt with state governments and specifically their ability to uphold these civil liberties.