The challenge of natural hazards Flashcards
the central region of the earth
the region within the earth between the core and the crust
the topmost layer of the earth made up of tectonic plates
destructive margin
formed when tectonic plates move together
constructive margin
formed when tectonic plates move apart
formed when tectonic plates slide past each other
collision zone
a plate margin where two tectonic plates slide past each other
hot spot
an area within the mantle where there is unusually high heat flow caused by intense radioactive decay in the inner core they are often away from plate margins and volcanic activity is common here
he pint below the earths surface where an earthquake occurs
the point on the earths surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
seismic waves
shock waves of energy that travel though the earths following an event such as an earthquake or volcano
small tremors in the days after an earthquake
Richter scale
a measure of the energy released by an earthquake
secondary effects
the effects that occur subsequent to the primary effect
primary effects
effects that occur subsequent to the natural disaster
a large wave caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption or costal landslide
composite volcano
a cone shaped volcano made up of many layers
shield volcano
a large sized, low lying volcano formed from fluid magma flows
pyroclastic flow
a high temperture avalanche of gas, ash, cinder and rock that rushed down the slopes of a volcano sometime burying settlements in its path
active volcano
a volcano with at least one eruption in the last 10,000 years
a mud flow consisting of volcanic ash and water that runs down the slopes of a volcano
dormant volcano
a active volcano that is not currently erupting
atmospheric circulation
the movement of air around the earth in cells transferring and redistributing energy
tropical storms
low pressure systems with distinct structure and features formed over warm ocean waters in low latitudes
a tropical storm in the Indian ocean and south pacific
a tropical storm in the western north pacific
a tropical storm in the Atlantic ocean
Coriolis force
the result of the earths rotation on weather patterns
storm surge
a rising of the sea as a result of wind and atmospheric pressure changes associated with a storm
eye of the storm
if a tropical storm becomes “cyclonic” it spins so fast that the air aroind the centre forms a vortex which has an eye 30-65km wide
facilities and supply lines which make mdern life possible such as roads and railways waterpipes and internet access
capacity to cope with a hazard such as a tropical storm often dependent on how effectively the 3 Ps are implemented
3Ps (prediction protection and planning)
measures a community or country can take to improve their resilience to a hazard such as a tropical storm
when people and/or organisations do not take action when faced with a hazard
the temperate zones between the tropics and polar regions
a boundary separating two masses of air of different densities
prevailing wind
a wind from the direction that is most usual at a particular place or season
prevailing wind
a wind from the direction that is most usual at a particular place or season
related to the sea
north Atlantic drift
a powerful warm ocean current
gulf stream
a powerful warm ocean current
coming from a nearby continent
height above sea level
relief rainfall
occurs when moist air rises over a physical barrier
rain shadow
a dry area on the leeward side of a hilly/mountainous area
hydro-meteorological hazards
weather hazards linked t the water cycle
a period of below average precipitation
blocking high
a slow-moving anticyclone (high pressure system)
water deficit
not enough rainfall, leaving a water shortage
water stress
lacking water
water surplus
having more water than needed
proxy measures
indirect ways of measuring variables, such as tree ring growth as an indicator of temperature in past years
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases stop he\t escaping from the earth into space, an enhanced greenhouse effect can lead to climate change and global warming
greenhouse gas
gas in the atmosphere which absorbs and emits heat (infrared) radiation
caused by humans
carbon capture / carbon sequestration
the removal of carbon at a emission source and storage of it deep underground
adjustments made by people and communities enabling them to continue living in areas impacted by climate change
measures to reduce the cause of climate change