The Cerebrum Flashcards
Structure of the Brain
two hemispheres; lateralization (crossing over)
corpus callosum
two hemispheres communicate with each other across the corpus callosum; This is a bundle of nerve fibers that connect the halves; the brain stem also plays a role in the motor and sensory cross
The Cerebral Cortex
outer layer of the brain; the tissue is folded in on itself, forming sulci (valley) and gyri (peaks); wringing allows for more surface area of the cortex
The Cerebrum
parts of the cerebral cortex receive inputs from multiple areas and don’t respond to stimulation; these association areas form complex connections between sensory and motor areas, showing the integrated nature of the brain
Brain Lobes
four distinct lobes in the brain and different functions; not clearly defined; patients usually conscious during surgery
The Frontal Lobe
Command center for decision-making, personality, reasoning, language, and problem solving; willpower and motivation; motor cortex is here and so is Broca’s area
Motor Cortex
coordinates voluntary movements
Broca’s Area
region in the frontal lobe near the motor cortex; linked to speech production
Wernicke’s area
language comprehension
Somatosensory cortex bridge
receives and processes sensory information from across the body
The Occipital Lobe
the base of each hemisphere, directly behind the eyes; processes, interprets, and coordinates visual signals; contains the visual association cortex
Visual Association Cortex
helps us recognize lines, angles, shadows, and movement
The Temporal Lobe
processes auditory information and auditory memory; the right side of the lobe processes melody and tonal changes in musical; left posterior temporal lobe is where the Wernicke’s area is
The Temporal Lobe (cont.)
the lower part of each temporal lobe is responsible for some visual processing; disruptions may cause objects to become unrecognizable
Brain Plasticity
allows tissues in the brain to recognize itself to deal with damage
forming new neurons; limited in the human brain