The central nervous system Flashcards
what makes up CNS and PNS?
CNS :brain and spinal cord
PNS : Nerves make up the peripheral nervous system
How does bones protect CNS?
Bones provide strong, rigid structure to protect the CNS:
Cranium is the part of the skull that protects the brain
Vertebrae protects the spinal cord
How many layers does meninges have?
What is meninges?
Layers of connective tissues forming membranes.
Where can meninges be found?
Found inside the bones, and covering the surface of the brain and spinal cord
What is the outer meningeal layer?
Dura mater
Describe structure of dura mater
Tough and fibrous similar to rubber glove
Where does dura mater located ?
It sticks closely to the skull, but on the inside of the vertebral canal there is a space containing fat
Function of space containing fat, connective tissues and blood vessels
serve as padding & allow the spinal cord to bend
Describe feature of arachnoid mater
Loose mesh of fibres
Where is the arachnoid located?
middle miningeal layer
Describe feature of the Pia mater
Contains many blood vessels & sticks closely to surface of brain and spinal cord
Where is Pia mater located?
the inner meningeal layer
What is cerebrospinal fluid?
Clear, watery fluid containing a few cells and some glucose, protein, urea and salts
What are the functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
Protection - shock absorber, cushioning any blows or shocks the CNS may sustain
Supports the brain - brain is suspended inside the cranium and floats in the fluid that surrounds it
Transport - takes nutrients to the cells of the brain and spinal cord and carries away their wastes
What does the CNS consists of ?
The central nervous system consists of:
grey matter - consist of nerve cell bodies, dendrites & unmyelinated fibres.
white matter - composed of myelinated fibres
What are the parts of the brain?
Parts of the brain include: Cerebrum, cerebellum, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and corpus callosum
Describe cerebrum
Biggest part of the brain
Consists of :
outer surface of grey matter known as the cerebral cortex
grey matter deep inside the cerebrum called basal ganglia
inner white matter