Division of nervous system Flashcards
The essential purpose of the nervous system is to:
receive and process information from sense organs
to bring about responses to the information received.
The two main parts of the nervous system are the:
1.Central nervous system (CNS)
consists of the brain and spinal cord
2.Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
consists of nerves that connect the CNS with the receptors, muscles and glands
and ganglia (groups of nerve cell bodies outside the brain and spinal cord)
The peripheral nerves arise from the brain and the spinal cord:
cranial nerves = 12 pairs of nerves arise from the brain
spinal nerves = 31 pairs of nerves arise from the spinal cord.
3 types of nerve
Sensory fibres = fibres that carry impulses into the CNS
Motor fibres = Those that carry impulses away from the CNS
Mixed nerves contain fibres that carry impulses into and away from CNS
Are all cranial nerves mixed nerves ?
No. Most cranial nerves are mixed nerves. A few cranial nerves carry only sensory impulses or only motor impulses.
Are all spinal nerves mixed nerves ?
All spinal nerves are mixed nerves and each is joined to the spinal cord by two roots.
Describe ventral root
The ventral root contains the axons of motor neurons that have their cell bodies in the grey matter of the spinal cord.
Describe the dorsal root
The dorsal root contains the axons of sensory neurons that have their cell bodies in a small swelling on the dorsal root known as the dorsal root ganglion
Explain the afferent sensory division
Carry impulses into the CNS
1. somatic sensory neurons
sensory nerve cells from receptors in the skin and around the muscles and joints
- visceral sensory neurons
sensory nerve cells that take impulses from the internal organs into the CNS
Explain the efferent motor division
Carry impulses away from the CNS
1.Somatic division
takes impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles
2.Autonomic division
carries impulses from the CNS to heart muscle, involuntary muscle and glands. Further subdivided into:
sympathetic division
parasympathetic division
Function of autonomic nervous system
Involved in many of the mechanisms that keep the internal environment constant.
How does autonomic nervous system operates?
without conscious control
How are the autonomic nervous systems regulated by?
regulated by groups of nerve cells in the medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex.
Which part does nerve fibres of ANS make up ?
Nerve fibres of the ANS make up part of the spinal nerves and part of some of the cranial nerves.
Where does the nerve fibres of ANS carry impulses to ?
They carry impulses to the heart muscle, other muscles of the internal organs and the glands.