The Catholic Mass Flashcards
What is the greeting(1) ?
The start of the mass when the congregation is welcomed by the priest
What is the penitential rite(2) ?
The time of mass when people say for their sins and have their sins forgiven
What is the liturgy of the word(3) ?
Readings are read from the Old and New testament,and the Gospel
What is the Creed(4) ?
A proclamation by the congregation of all the things that the Catholics beleive in
What is the bidding prayers(5) ?
Prayers by the congregation asking for God to help with different things
What is the offertory(6) ?
The gifts of the bread and wine to be used at consecration are brought to the altar
What is the Eucharistic Prayer(7) ?
A prayer to thanksgiving to God,and in which the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood of Christ
What is the sign of peace(8) ?
The time of mass where the congregation offer one another a gesture of goodwill
What is communion(9) ?
The time of mass where the body and blood is consumed
What is the blessing and dismissal(10) ?
The priest blesses the people and sends them out to spread the good news