The Brain and the Mind (Week 8 part 1, part 1) Flashcards
Biological Perspective Nervous System Neurons and neurotransmitters Endocrine system Glands and hormones Mapping the brain - altering function - view structure - view activity
What is Biological psychology? (What are some professions in this branch?)
- branch of neuroscience
examine the biology of psychological processes, behaviour, and learning
- behavioural neuroscientists, neurophsychologist, behavioural geneticists, physiological psychologists, biopsychologists
Describe the Nervous system (systems under it)
- electrochemical communication network (info, response to stimuli, coordinate operations)
Comprises of:
Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Brain
- Spinal cord (connect brain and PNS): collection of neurones and supportive tissue from base of brain, protected by spinal column (bones)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
- rest of NS outside of CNS
- sensory and motor nerves
–> AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS): organs, glands & blood vessels (auto, but may conciously overide)
- Sympathetic (stress)
- parasympathetic (maintain body functions = mode save energy)
–> SOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (SNS): Skeletal Muscles, sensory organs
- Sensory input: from sense to CNS
- motor output: from CNS to muscles and glands
What are the NS building blocks?
Neurons: transmit info to, from, and within the CNS
Glia cells: hold neurons together, nourish, insulate, and protect them
Describe the structure of a neuron (4). What disease arise from degeneration of myelin sheath?
(combined axon terminals)
Dendrites: branch-like, receive info from other neurons. transmit to soma
Soma: cell body, keeps cell alive. determine firing (contribute to gray matter in spinal cord)
Axon: tube extension, transmits messages to other neurons, muscles or gland cells at Axon terminals (contribute to white matter)
Myelin sheath: fatty insulation around axon. speed neural impulses
*if degenerate: multiple sclerosis (communication to muscles slows = loss of muscle control)
Where are Nerves normally found and how many are there in the human body?
Bundle of nerve fibres (mainly axon) in PNS (white matter)
Human body have 43 PAIRS of peripheral nerves (12 PAIRS in head)
How does neuron communication work?
Start: inside neuron is strong -ve charge
Stimulus = action potential down axon through ions (by ion channels)
Between neurons: chemical neurotransmitters at synapse, alter activity of receiving neuron (uptake by dendrites) = cause action potential
Reuptake: clean excess neurotransmitters by sending neuron
IN dementia, schizophrenia and other brain disorders, may have problem with synapses
Name the common neurotransmitters. What are some drugs that affect these neurotransmitters (2)?
- Dopamine
- serotonin
- acetylcholine
- norepinephrine
- gaba-amino butyric (GABA)
- endorphins
Cocaine blocks reuptake of dopamine
Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) block reuptake of serotonin
What is dopamine (DA) function (4) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- movement
- pleasure
- learning
- attention
over: schizophrenia
under: Parkinson’s, and depression
What is Serotonin (5-HT) function (4) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- sleep
- mood
- appetite
- anxiety
under: depression, sleep, and eating disorders
What is Acetylcholine (ACh) function (3) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- muscle action
- memory
- learning
over: convulsion
under: alzheimers
What is Norepinephrine (NE) function (2) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- alertness
- arousal
over: stress, panic disorder
under: depression
What is Gaba-amino butyric (GABA) function (2) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- sleep
- inhibit movement
over: -
under: seizures, tremors, insomnia
What is Endorphins function (1) and malfunction (over and under supply)?
- pain relief
over: insensitivity to pain
under: hyper sensitivity to pain, immune probs
What is the Endocrine system (ES)?
- long distance messengers (hormones)
- travel in blood stream
ES Takes longer than NS (both produce chemicals that act elsewhere)
What are the glands of the endocrine system?
- Pineal gland
- Pituitary gland
- Thyroid gland
- Thymus
- Adrenal glands
- Pancreas
- Gonads (ovaries and testes)
Pineal gland
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: near base of cerebrum
Secrete: Melatonin
Effect: biological rhythms and sleep
Pituitary Gland
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: in brain
- human growth hormone
- antidiuretic hormone
- gonadotrophins
- growth of bone and muscles
- increase reabsorption of water in kidneys
- control dev of ovaries and testes
Thyroid gland
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: in neck
Secrete: thyroxin
Effect: growth and metabolism
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: - in chest
Secrete: thymosin
Effect: pdt and maturation of WBC
Adrenal gland
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: top of each kidney
Secrete: over 30 hormones (corticoids/steroids)
Effect: stress reactions (^HR ^BP ^ rate of resp)
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: -
Secrete: insulin (use sugar) and glucagon (release sugar)
Effect: control level of sugar in blood
Where is it located, hormone produced and effect of hormone?
Located: in ovaries and testes
Secrete: oestrogen and progesterone; androgens (testosterone)
Effect: regulate sexual behaviour and reproduction
What are the methods for ALTERING brain function (2)?
Lesioning studies (damage brain area/ target neurons with electrode)
Brain stimulation:(disrupt/enhance brain areas)
- Deep Brain Stimulus (DBS): INVASIVE, treat parkinson’s, seizures, chronic pain
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): NON-invasive, treat PTSD and depression (might induce seizures, cause headache)
What are the methods for mapping brain STRUCTURE (2)?
Computed tomography (CT):
- x-rays measure brain slices (tumors, stroke damage, metal)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
- magnetic fields & radio recievers, 3D detailed image
What are the methods for mapping brain ACTIVITY? (3)
Electroencephalogram (EEG):
- amplified recording of brainwaves (electrical activity)
- electrodes placed on scalp
Positron Emission Tomography (PET):
- visual display of brain activity
- RADIOACTIVE glucose (tracer) used up in brain
- better signal to noise ratio (vs fMRI)
Functional MRI (fMRI):
- use blood’s magnetic properties
- track blood oxygen levels in brain areas (increased levels = increased functioning)
- More popular now cuz dw radiation exposure