The Brain Flashcards
What does the hindbrain consist of?
- Medulla
- Midbrain
- Cerebellum
Breathing, heart rate, blood circulation
Arousal and attention, facial expressions
Fine motor movements and balance (NOT IN CHARGE OF MOVEMENTS)
Other parts of the brain can take over functions of other parts of the brain
Transected FOREBRAIN (top, only hindbrain left)
*Cat flails around
*Cat cannot act
*NOT acting with a purpose
What does the midbrain do?
*Puts movements into acts (walk)
*Controls whole body responses (visual and auditory stimuli)
Superior Colliculus
*something moves in corner of your eye and you turn your head to see what it is
Substantia Nigra
Produces dopamine
Transected FOREBRAIN (midbrain and hindbrain left)
*Cat can act and put movement together
*Midbrain helps act (walk)
*Walk with no purpose
Sends sensory and motor information to the specific parts of the brain
*Controls responses to basic needs (motivation)
*FFFF (fight, flee, feed, fuck)
*Regulates temperature
Removing the hypothalamus of a rat will do what?
Keep eating; FAT
Basal Ganglia
Regulates muscle contractions for smooth, voluntary movements (pump the brakes)
Ex. Parkinson’s Disease
Limbic System
*Memory and emotion
*Classical conditioning