The Boyhood Of Christ Flashcards
How was it possible that Mary and Joseph lost Jesus
They traveled in caravans with many families they probably thought he was with another relative
What does Luke tell us about Jesus from his birth to age 12
He had God’s wisdom he became strong and had God’s grace
What important quality do we learn about Jesus in Luke 2:40-52
He was fully God and man and he was obedient to them
What message was John the Baptist preaching in Matthew 3 and John 1:19-34
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near
What does the kingdom of heaven mean
What life would look like if Godhad complete control: if we didn’t interfere
What was unusual about John
He ate locusts & Wild honey
he wore camel hair as clothing
he lived in the desert
What Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled by John the Baptist
Malachi 4:5-6
How does John the Baptist describe Jesus in John 1:29
He is a lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
What was different about how John the Baptist baptized people
He was baptizing to forgive sins
in Jewish culture baptizing was to be part of God’s people
Why was John so harsh toward the some of the crowd in Matthew 3
They believed they were safe because they were Abraham’s descendants John warns them that this is not enough
What does it mean to be baptized by fire and water
Fire judgment or wrath or HS inward
water cleanses outward
Why was Jesus baptized
He is setting an example for us
Why did The spirit led him Jesus go into the desert
The spirit led him
Does God lead us into temptation
No he tests not tempts
what was the first temptation and what did it represent
Turning stone into bread-physical temptations
What was the second temptation and what did it represent
Worship Satan in exchange for ruling the Earth disobedience or the easy way out
What was the third temptation and what did it represent
Throw yourself down because angels will guide you
proof and pride temptation
How did Jesus combat these temptations
He used Scripture
How can we combat temptation
Scripture prayer and rely him and put on the armor of God
How did Jesus leave the desert
Full of the Holy Spirit and with his power
Who pointed the first two disciples to Jesus
John the Baptist
Why did Nathanael doubt Jesus was the Messiah
Because he was from Nazareth
What convinced Nathaniel that Jesus was the Messiah
Jesus saw where he had been
How did James and John come to follow Jesus
They had been fishing all night and had nothing Jesus came and they recast and caught more fish
What kind of fishermen were the disciples to be
Fishers of men
What occupation did Levi/Matthew have
A tax collector
Why were the Pharisees upset with Jesus
He was eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners
How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees
It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick Jesus came for sinners
what authority did Jesus give the disciples when he sent them out
He gave them the authority to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness
What directions did Jesus give the disciples in Matthew 10:1-42
Go to the lost sheep of Israel
do not worry the Holy Spirit will guide you
take no possessions
stay with people who will provide for you
Heal the sick & drive out demons
you may be hated for oppressed
What did Jesus mean in Matthew 10:34
Jesus teachings would bring conflict not peace
List the 12 apostles from Mark 3:13-19
Simon Peter James John Andrew Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas James Thaddeus Simon Judas