what is pain?
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
what is recurrent pain?
pain which comes and goes
what is acute pain?
short-term pain
what is chronic pain?
long-term pain
what criteria makes pain long term pain?
6 months or more/ extends beyond the expected period of healing
what is the pain gate theory?
Nerves from all over the body run to the spinal cord, which is the first main meeting point of the nervous system. In the spinal cord we have a series of gates into which messages about pain arrive from all over the body.
The hypothesis is that these gates can sometimes be more open than at other times. This is important because it is through these gates that messages from your body pass towards your brain.
this is why sometimes we can be more/less aware of pain
what can open the pain gates?
emotional states being tense lack of activity/reduced fitness focussing attention on pain boredom
what is central sensitisation?
an increased responsiveness of nociceptors in the central nervous system to either normal or sub-threshold afferent input resulting in hypersensitivity to stimuli.
what are the 2 types of central sensitisation?
what is allodynia?
Occurs when an individual experiences pain with things that are not normally painful, nerves in the area are sending messages to a brain which is in a state of heightened reactivity producing a sensation of pain & discomfort
what is hyperalgesia?
Occurs when a stimulus that is typically painful is perceived as more painful than it should- heightened reactivity produces pain that is amplified.
what could be the possible causes of central sensitisation?
Changes in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord & in the brain, particular at the cellular level, such as at receptor sites.
Strokes & spinal injuries which cause damage to CNS
what are some drug treatments for chronic pain management?
tricyclic antidepressants
opioids if low and intermittent
describe the persistent pain cycle?
persistent pain–>being less active –> loss of fitness/weak muscles/joint stiffness –> create a ‘no go’ list of things you think you can’t do –> sleep problems/tiredness –> stress/fear/anxiety/anger –> medication side effects–> weight loss or gain –> negative thinking/fear of future –> depression/mood swings –> time off work/money worries/relationship concerns
how does pain affect life?
work chores hobbies mobility weight eating habits sleep relationships children finances housing negative thoughts
what is maladaptive behaviour?
negative behaviour like turning to drugs and alcohol
do expectations play a part in chronic pain?
People with negative beliefs about their pain can experience greater suffering
describe the relationship between pain and depression?
Patients appraisals of the impact of their pain on their lives and their sense of control over their pain determines the pain-depression relationship.
Those patients who believed they could still function despite their pain and those who believed they could maintain some control did not become depressed
how can CBT help with chronic pain?
it challenges unhelpful thoughts to develop more helpful thoughts and new behaviours
what are some psychological approaches to working with chronic pain?
acceptance and commitment therapy
compassion-focussed therapy
describe the link between childhood trauma and chronic pain?
Research has shown that prolonged anxiety, hyper vigilance, and fearfulness associated with early trauma can lead to pain behaviour
48% of chronic pain patients report childhood physical or sexual abuse.