The Big Bang Theory Flashcards
When did the Big Bang occur
13.8 billion years ago
What was the Big Bang the beginning of?
Space and time
How did the universe begin?
Began as dense, hot ball of energy
What was the singularity?
The hot, dense ball of energy at the beginning of the universe
What was the singularity made of?
Just radiation
What was the first phase of expansion following the singularity?
What was inflation the beginning of?
Space and time
How long did it take for the temp of the universe to cool enough for forces such as gravity to exist?
1 x 10-12 seconds
What has the universe continued to do?
Increase in size, and decrease in temp and density
What followed inflation?
The early universe
What did the early universe consist of?
A plasma soup, nuclei, electrons and photons
How long did the early universe last for?
380,000 years
What were the dark ages?
When the early universe cooled enough for atoms to form and for light to escape
When were the dark ages?
Between early universe and first stars
When did the first galaxies and structures form after the Big Bang?
1 billion years after