The Bible Flashcards
In Genesis, god told him to leave his country and promised to give the Hebrews the Promised Land (Canaan). God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac to prove his obedience
The Fall of Man. Sons are Cain, Abel, and Seth. Ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Adam and Eve
Gabriel delivers message to Virgin Mary that she’ll give birth to a son named Jesus
Additional books of the Bible accepted by some denominations but not all
The mountain that Noah’s ark was on top of during the flood. Highest peak in Turkey
The final battle between good and evil
Built by Noah’s descendants to reach heaven
Tower of Babel
Eight sayings of Jesus. Beatus is Latin for blessed
Originally a philistine god. Mentioned in Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
“In the beginning was the word” : a call back to Genesis
Gospel of John
The hill near Jerusalem were Jesus was crucified. Means “place of the skull” and also called Golgotha
Gift given from Jacob to his son Joseph
Coat of many colors
The capital of Syria. Saul had an epiphany on the road to this place
A shepherd in youth, a harpist, ancestor of Jesus, King after Saul, the psalms are attributed to him
Found in the 1940s in the Qumran Caves (West Bank) and currently housed in the Jerusalem museum
Dead sea scrolls
Written by a philosopher named “the Preacher”
A prophet who suffered the wrath of Jezebel. Taken to heaven in a chariot of fire
Queen of the Persians who stopped a massacre of the Jews aided by her cousin Mordecai. Jews celebrate the feast of Purim because of this
Food that Israelites ate while being led by Moses
The three great virtues of the New Testament
Faith, hope, charity
What colors are the Four Horsemen and what do they represent?
White is conquest, red is war, black is famine, pale is plague
Who revealed the Koran to Mohammed?
Angel Gabriel
A non Jewish person from “the nations”
Good news of salvation, also the first four books of the New Testament
The Gospel
Son of Noah, ancestor of Africans. Egypt is called the land of him.
Descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and especially Jacob
The Hebrews
The king of Judea during the first century BC. Ordered the Massacre of the Innocents
Herod the Great
Son of Herod the Great, beheaded John the Baptist at the influence of Salome
Herod Antipas
Another name of the Bible
Holy Writ
The slaughter of males two years old or younger in Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus. Ordered by King Herod
The Massacre of the Innocents
Son of Abraham, father of Jacob and Esau
A prophet who saw Jesus’s glory and spoke about him, also a book of the Old Testament
Brother of Isaac, son of Abraham and Rebecca. Gave birthright to brother Jacob for a meal of stew
A vision in a dream with God at the top after receiving covenant of Abraham
Jacob’s Ladder
Alternative name for God. “I am what I am”
Queen of Israel who tried to kill Elijah
Satan killed his children, destroyed all his possessions, and gave him sores from head to foot. He still refused to betray God and was later healed
Imprisoned by Herod Antipas, beheaded by King Herod. Baptized Jesus in the Jordan River
John the Baptist
Sold to Egypt by brothers after receiving coat of many colors from his father Jacob. Interpreted Pharoah dreams and gained influence in Egypt
Brought Israelites to the promised land after the death of Moses. Destroyed Jericho with trumpets
Betrayed Jesus with a kiss for 30 pieces of silver. Hanged himself the next day
Judas Iscariot
Comisionned by King James I of England in the seventeenth century. Aka the “Authorized Version”
King James Bible
Passover meal the night before Jesus’s death. The basis for Holy Communion (Eucharist)
The Last Summer
Brought back to life by Jesus four days after his death. This event prompted the plan to put Jesus to death
Sea monster in the book of Job. A political work by Thomas Hobbes
Lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. Left the city with family, wife turned back to look at the destruction and was turned into a pillar of salt
Book of the Bible detailing Jesus’s birth and early life. Frequently read at Christmas
The three wise men who visited Jesus at birth and gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
The earliest and shortest of the gospels
Attendee at the crucifixion and saw the empty tomb three days later
Mary Magdalene
Includes the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus fulfilling Old Testament prophecies
Oldest man in the Bible said to have lived for 969 years. Grandfather of Noah
Often depicted with scales representing judgment day. Guarding of the Jews, leader of armies in revelations
Canaanite idol who demanded sacrifices of the first born child of Israelites. Book of Leviticus
The ten commandments, the Torah, “The Law”
Mosaic Law
Stories told by Jesus containing religious messages
With Peter, first leaders of the Christian church
The day the holy spirit descended upon the disciples
Chief of the 12 apostles. A fisherman, previously named Simon but Jesus renamed him. Denied being a follower of Jesus three times. Often depicted holding keys. Sometimes referred to as the first pope. Crucified upside down
Supposed burial site is under this building located in Vatican City
Saint Peter’s Basilica
Teachers asking the Jews. Jesus called them “the blind leading the blind”
Enemies of the Jews in the promised land. Can also mean someone ignorant and uncultured
Governor of the Jews. Didn’t consider Jesus guilty but caved to the pressure of others and said “I wash my hands of this”
Pontius Pilate
2nd wife of Jacob. Sterile for many years but then had two sons named Joseph and Benjamin
Great grandmother of King David. Her mother in law was Naomi. Married Boaz who was Jewish.
In the book of Matthew, contained famous teachings such as the Lord’s prayer, the Golden Rule, and turn the other cheek
Sermon on the Mount
A password used by Israelites in the Old Testament
The son and successor of David. He had many wives and indulged in splendor and wealth. Built the temple at Jerusalem
Doubted the resurrection of Jesus and said he wouldn’t believe until he could touch the crucifixion wounds on Jesus’s hands
One tenth of a person’s salary given to the church as an offering
Often recited at funerals. Contains the famous passage that begins “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”
23rd Psalm
Latin translation of the Bible by St Jerome in the fourth century AD, adopted by catholic church as its official version
The place where Jesus walked on water
Sea of Galilee
Most mentioned woman in the Bible. Wife of Abraham, mother of Isaac but died giving birth to him
Site used to build the fortress of the city of Jerusalem.
Mount Zion
Day 1 (the creation story)
Light (“let there be light”)
Day 2 (the creation story)
The Sky
Day 3 (the creation story)
The earth, seas, and vegetation
Day 4 (the creation story)
The sun and moon
Day 5 (the creation story)
The animals of the air and sea
Day 6 (the creation story)
Land animals and humans