The Benthic Realm Flashcards
Physical factors that shape benthic community structure?
Proximity to land and Depth
Aspects of Depth that affect benthic community:
- Temperature
- waves and currents affecting the bottom surface (tides strong in narrow inlets, stirs up sediment, prevents stratification)
- Salinity
Aspects of Land Proximity that affect benthic community:
- High Sedimentation
- Nutrient runoff
rates of sedimentation influenced by water movement
Lithogenous sediment
produced by weathering of rocks, most sediment on continental shelf
Biogenous sediment
skeletons and shells of organisms
- can be silicious or calcareous
siliceous ooze
found under diatom-rich waters, contains silicon-based shells
[diatoms and radiolarians]
sun Antarctica and central-west Pacific
calcareous ooze
contains the remains of CaCO3 shells
[coccolithophores, foramnifiera]
more common in shallow waters than deeper waters (pressure forces CaCO3 out of solution)
Substrate size determines community structure
- Larger particles settle rather quickly from moving water
- Finer particles remain suspended and only settle in quiet water
- Sandy (47%) and muddy (37%) substrates dominate the benthos
of the world
Soft bottomed Communities
- Conditions more stable than soft bottomed intertidal
- Species tend to occur in patches due to microenvironments
- Vast majority lack seaweeds and seagrasses (unvegetated)
- 4 groups of animals dominate: polychaetes, molluscks, echinoderms, and
Primary nutrient source
- little to no primary production on shelf seabed
Deposit feeders
feed on deposits of organic matter on or in the sediment
- mostly burrowing polychaetes: trumpets, bamboo, and lugworms
- also sea urchins, heart urchins, sand dollars, echiurans, peanut worms, sea cucumbers, ghost shrimp
Dominant in muddy sediments because more detritus settles due to low turbulence
organisms stir up and oxygenate sediments
- uncovers and oxygenates deeper sediments, buries epifauna
suspension feeders
feed on particles suspended in the water column (includes filter feeders)
- dominant on sandy bottoms
[sea pens and pansies can be found in dense stands]
active suspension feeders
use active pumping or sweeping motion to move water toward mouth
passive suspension feeders
use mucus or cilia to move suspended particles to mouth
- may include clams that are filter feeders like razor clams, quahog clams, and cockles [some clams are deposit feeders]
Tube builders
many are deposit feeders
- help stabilize substrate making it more suitable for suspension feeders
epifaunal deposit feeders
amphipods, small crustaceans, brittlestars
epifaunal scavengers
crabs, snails, shrimp, starfish
some fish (blennies), gastropods, and sea urchins - Nudibranchs graze on encrusting bryozoan, soft corals, and sponges
soft bottom predators
- burrow through sediment to get prey/catch prey on the surface
- whelks and moon snails drill holes into prey shells
- sea stars and predatory amphipods (feed on settling larvae)
- fish are common predators (demersal carnivores like rays, skates, and flounders)
- pelagic species of squid, cuttlefish
[extra-oral digestion]
Near shore sediments
- <30 m often distributed by wave action
- highly mobile, robust scavengers dominate epifauna (crabs, amphipods, starfish)
- highly mobile, short-lived ploychaetes and burrowing bivalves dominate infauna
[beyond this, sessile organisms begin to appear]
deep water sediments
- > 50 m can allow silt and clay to settle
- epifauna is sparse (mainly anemones and sea pens)
- typically burrowing megafauna dominated by crustaceans and echiurans
Deep sea floor (physical/chemical factors)
- Light
- Temperature
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Bottom Currents
- Hydrostatic Pressure
- Sediment
Light (Deep sea floor factor)
- non-existent in aphotic zone of the deep sea
- only bioluminesence