The autonomic nervous system Flashcards
What is the ANS?
A diffuse system innervating…
- visceral structures
- glandular myoepithelium
- fat
- vasculature
ANS afferent, efferent and central components
- afferent and efferent nerves often use the same pathway
- afferent visceral axons may also travel via somatic spinal nerves to reach the CNS
- mostly; general visceral efferent innervations
Dual innervation
Each organ receives impulses from sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves axons
- sympathetic dominance= Fight/Flight
- parasympathetic dominance= Rest/digest
- Adrenaline
- Noradrenaline
- Acetylcholine
Control centres of the ANS
- Rostral hypothalamus; influences parasympathetic NS
- Caudal hypothalamus; influences sympathetic NS
- connected to brainstem centres that regulate cardiovascular function and respiritory
Other areas of brain that influence ANS (not control centres)
- cerebrum and limbic system; fear
- olfactory stimulation; drooling
Enteric nervous system
The autonomic neurons that innervate the alimentary tract, located in the…
- submucosal (Meisner) plexus
- myenteric (Auerbach) plexus
Sympathetic pathways
- Originate at lateral/intermediate horn of the thoracolumbar spinal cord
- preganglionic axons; ventral root -> spinal nerve -> (white) ramus communicans -> sym. trunk
TO BODY & LIMBS; sym. trunk -> (grey) rami communicans -> spinal nerve
TO HEAD; sym. trunk -> ansa subclavia -> cervical sympathetic trunk
TO ABDOMEN & PELVIS; sym. trunk -> splanchnic nerves -> various ganglia
Sympathetic: structures of the head
post-synaptic neurones, originating from the cranial cervical ganglion
Sympathetic: thoracic viscera
Mostly post-synaptic neurones, originating from middle cervical and cervicothoracic ganglia
Sympathetic; abdominal viscera
Splanchnic nerves arising from the abdominal and thoracic sympathetic trunks and synapsing in prevertebral ganglia
Sympathetic; pelvic viscera
hypogastric nerves arising from the caudal mesenteric ganglia
Parasympathetic Pathways
Originates from the brainstem and sacral elements of the spinal cord
- CN III, VII, IX & X innervate the head
- Vagus nerve innervates thoracic and abdominal viscera
- Sacral PS nerves innervate pelvic viscera
The Vagus nerve
- starts at brainstem and reaches the colon
- rich vagal innervation to the heart
- caudal to lung, splits into dorsal and ventral branches
- pass through diaphragm at oesophageal hiatus
- many smaller branches supply abdoninal viscera
- Vagal nerve trunks run in nerve plexuses on coeliac and cranial mesenteric vessels