The Autocracy Of Alexander 2nd And Alexander 3rd Flashcards
When was Alexander 2nd assassinated?
13th March 1881
What were the show trials?
What was the ‘trial of 193’?
These were publicly held trials of people who had been accused of revolutionary activities.
At the trial of 193, a sympathetic jury acquitted 153 of the 193 defendants and gave only light sentences to the rest.
Why were the 1870s a time of political unrest in Russia?
The Russian army was bogged down in the Russo Turkish war (1877 - 78)
Famine swept the country side (1879 - 80)
Industrial recession began
What did further attempts on Tsar Alexander 2nd life cause him to accept?
Violence and unrest might be better tackled by widening democratic consultation
Define a show trial
A trial that took place in front of the general public, usually for ‘propaganda’ purposes
What did Pahlen intend to prove through the use of show trials?
Was he successful?
Pahlen had the intention of deterring radicals from revolutionary activity
In reality the whole experiment backfired
Who was Loris - Melikov?
Minister of internal affair
What changes were made under Loris - Melikov?
Released political prisoners
Relaxed censorship
Removed the salt tax
Who tutored Alexander 3rd and what did his tutored teach him?
Konstantin Pobedonostev
A strong sense a commitment - with God’s direction, he alone could rule all of Russia in its best interest - it was his subjects responsibility to obey and love him, not challenge and oppose
Who tutored Alexander 3rd and what did his tutored teach him?
Konstantin Pobedonostev
A strong sense a commitment - with God’s direction, he alone could rule all of Russia in its best interest - it was his subjects responsibility to obey and love him, not challenge and oppose
When were land captains introduced? Who were they?
Chosen by the minister of interior
Land owners had to be members of the landowning nobility
Had the power to arrest and fine peasants
When were land captains introduced? Who were they?
Chosen by the minister of interior
Had the power to arrest and fine peasants
Who were the Okhrana?
When were they active?
What did they do?
The secret police 1881 - 1884 Intercepted mail Spied on spies Checked up on activity in factories Detained suspects and even resorted to torture
Give 2 reforms in education made by Alexander 3rd
All university life closely supervised - students forbidden to gather in groups greater than 5
Primary education placed firmly in the hands of the Orthodox Church
What were the so called ‘temporary regulations’ issued by Tolstoy in his government committee?
Allowed newspapers to be closed down
All literary publication has to be officially approved
This censorship extended to theatre, art and culture where Russification was enforced
When was the ‘trial of 193’?
1877 - 1878
What were some of Dmitry Tolstoy’s views?
Strong believer in orthodoxy
He felt that tight control over education was paramount in order to eradicate western liberal ideology and crush the growing resentment of autocracy
Who did Alexander II replace Golovlin with?
When was this?
What position was this?
Why was the change made?
Minister for education
After the assassination attempt in 1866 the Tsar was persuaded to replace liberal ministers with more conservatives one to curve revolutionary sentiment
What changes did Tolstoy make?
Zemstva powers over education were reduced
Strict control over education and student activity